
Can anyone explain this ??

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  1. A place of worshiping God, is a holy place to me.

    No one can or must destroy that.

    That goes for mosques, temples or churches too.

    I do not approve this.


  2. They use to just steal the synagogues and turn them into masjids.

  3. if they destroy jewish synagogue, we will destroy all mosque and all churches too.

  4. They are destroying a synagogue, a Jewish house of prayer, a place where Jews used to pray to the same God that they pray to.

    "And he shall be a wild man"

    (Genesis 16 :12)

    I guess it's not their fault.

    Freaking Mimi - I condemn any destruction of any house of prayer but when you see hundreds of Jews knocking down a mosque then talk to us.

    We all know your friends in Gaza build smuggling tunnels under their homes, I wouldn't be surprised if they do this in mosques as well.

    We also know they hide terrorists in mosques just so they can show the results in the media.

  5. its nothing new, Less than 24 hours after the last IDF soldier withdrew from the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Authority (PA) bulldozers began to raze synagogues that were left behind by Jewish residents. Thousands of Palestinians also stormed the former Gaza settlements and set fire to several synagogues and yeshivot while PA security forces stood and watched. Several Palestinians belonging to terrorist groups climbed the roofs of synagogues and placed green flags on top while other members inside set fire to the buildings and looted items that the Jews left behind.

    The desecration of these Jewish holy places in Gaza came after Israel decided not dismantle the synagogues there. Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz stated, “It would be a historic Jewish mistake to destroy the synagogues.”

    The decision to keep the 19 synagogues and yeshivot in Gaza and the evacuated northern Samaria settlements standing passed in the cabinet by a vote of 14-2. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan was told by Israel that since the disengagement plan was implemented, the “PA now had the moral responsibility to protect the synagogues as places with religious significance.”Earlier in the week, Ministry of Defense workers placed signs that read “Holy Place” in Arabic and English on synagogue walls throughout Gaza so the Palestinians would know not to destroy them.

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas defended the razing of Gaza synagogues by simply claiming, “There are no synagogues here.” Abbas said the buildings that were formally synagogues were now emptied and in danger of collapsing, and must be demolished to build homes for thousands of Palestinians.40 The PA maintained that the synagogues were symbols of Israeli occupation, and boycotted the ceremony marking the handover of Gaza to the Palestinians in protest of Israel's decision to leave the synagogues intact.41

    This was not the first instance when the PA has failed to protect Jewish holy places:

    In Septemer 1996, Palestinian rioters destroyed a synagogue at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus.

    Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem has been repeatedly attacked since 1996.

    In October 2000, Joseph's Tomb was torched after the Israeli garrison guarding it was temporarily withdrawn. It was subsequently rebuilt as a mosque.

    Also in October 2000, the ancient synagogue in Jericho was destroyed by arson and a second historic synagogue was damaged.

    PA textbooks continue to teach young Palestinians that Jews have no connection to the Land of Israel and to disparage Judaism, so it should not be surprising that Jewish institutions are not shown respect. This is one reason why Israel is reluctant to make any compromises regarding Jerusalem that might allow Palestinians to threaten the sanctity of the shrines of any religion.

  6. Arabs doing the same they have done in so many other Jewish places.

    Former Jew

    I was there so quit yo c**p, the Wakf is doing his best to erase all traces of the Temple.

    "The Muslim Wakf, which Israel allows to autonomously govern the place, has spent the last several years trashing Jewish antiquities at the site without so much as a peep of protest from the government. The mere mention of these facts is considered not only bad taste, but tantamount to an invitation to a world war."

  7. The desecration of Holy places whether they be Mosques, Synagogues, or churches has taken place and happened for centuries. God sees all that each human does and God alone will judge that individual (for his evil actions) not an entire race. Peace!

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