
Can anyone explain this theory to me a bit more?

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i heard on the radio last night about a theory that some paranormal investigators have.It's that we have lived life many times,and we kind of go through a circle.This explains deja vu and why some people seem to have psychic powers, or know what's going to happen before it's happened (because they've already gone through life several times).I think it's called the Cirlce Theory,I was wondering if anyone could tell me who thought of it,and explain a bit more about it?It sounds really interesting.




  1. read a book

  2. It may have to do with truth and facts other than Theoretics.

    It is a truism that here on Earth you are in two STATES. One of the Spirit and one of the body. The soul is real and there is medical proof to support the findings and what has become stories before the beginning of time. Prophets get there ideas from somewhere. The Egyptians believed in reincarnation so deeply that they wanted to make sure their spirit had some place to come back to if they could not get reborn. It is a cycle that is for sure. Just do not s***w up so bad that you don't come back as a dung beetle.

  3. Go to a university and study science, forget that paranormal bs.

  4. I'm guessing this comes originally from the Vedic religions.

    Western religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in order of age) all are 'apocalyptic'.  They believe that history has a beginning and an end.  The universe was created -here-, we are -here-, and the end of the universe is over -here-.

    But religions descending from the old Vedic traditon (Hinduism, Janism, Sikhism, and maybe a few more) believe that the universe is eternal and everything is cyclical.  When you die you are 'recycled', you come back over and over, just as when the sun goes down it comes back again and again.

    -Some- Christians believe in reincarnation, but it's not a mainstream Christian belief and there is no official Christian policy about it. You can't go to heaven if you keep coming back here!  But reincarnation is a very attractive idea to mystics, spiritualists, spirit mediums, psychics, channelers, and believers in such things.  It does explain a lot, doesn't it!

  5. I think that reincarnation happens.

    I think the deja vu comes from time not being linear, you have lived some parts of life many times, and other parts only once.

    message me if you really can't find this with google, but I cant type it all here...

  6. sounds to me like a slight twist on reincarnation.

  7. I tend to believe more in some Indians' thinking that maybe memories are passed on themselves from generation to generation.  But if you are interested in the full circle thinking, read Shirley McClaine's books on the subject.  (Embracing the Light and others) They should be able to be found on or enter in her name in your search engine.  Plenty on the subject out there and interesting.

  8. i agree, or go on google....

  9. fanciful thoughts. no we havent lived other lives and no we arent living in a circle, you only have one life on this earth and your living it now.

  10. It is an old philosophy. In one of my favorite movies, "A Passage to India"  there is this dialog:

    Dr Azid:  You know, Miss Quested, when l first

    saw Mrs Moore it was in the moonlight.l thought she was a ghost.....

    Godbole:  A very old soul.

    Miss Quested:  An old soul?

    Dr Azid:  The professor is using

    the expression in its Hindu sense.            

    Someone who has been here

    many times before.

    Mrs Moore:  a reincarnation?

    Godbole:  Quite so.

    Mrs Moore:  Please go on, Professor.

    Godbole:  Ah, yes.

    lt is philosophy of some complication.

    Miss Quested:  But in simple terms...?

    Godbole:   ln simple terms, Miss Quested,

    life is a wheel with many spokes.

    A continuous cycle of life:

    birth, death and rebirth

    until we attain nirvana.

    This movie or the book on which it is based (by E.M. Forster)

    may not be the best way to understand the subject but it is a very entertaining way of gaining some insight.  I have watched the movie 6 or 8 times and each time it seems I notice more and learn more.  I tried the book once but it goes pretty slow.  The movie is better but still it is almost 4 hours long and you have to be in a laid back mood, calm and contemplative to really enjoy it.

    It was directed by David Lean and it is a masterpiece.

  11. Don't really believe it. Try to Google Search it. Sylvia Browne says the deja vous is caused by your remembering what you wrote into your chart before you got here.

    I do believe that you can transcend planes and possibly have two things happening at once that are similar.  DOn't ask me how that works, I'll  blow a gasket trying to work that out. HA

  12. Unless you assume that we live the same life repeatedly you cannot put deja-vu down to reincarnation.

    And if you assume this, what is history?

  13. The cyclic nature of our existence lies in the spiritual awareness of our evolving consciousness. Since this awareness and the consciousness are both very personal and unique things, the cyclic character of our lives is also very personal and unique. This is why it's very hard to characterize in a textbook sort of way.

    I could  be wrong.

  14. yes its true - I have been through several past lives. Once I was Ruu Paul's undies (or was it Ron Paul) and then Iwas a chihuahua named Bruce who lived on Rhode Island and wrote soduku puzzles for a living. I have been a failed inventor, amatuer plastic surgeon (b*****s only) and advisor to the George Wallace campaign - currently I answer Yahoo questions for a living (no-one has paid so far). You see - life and indeed LIVES are a series of tiny and thoroughly enjoyable failures - enjoy yours.

  15. you know when you put the deja vu have you never had that experience you have been somewhere or done something and remember vaguely i have many times i even told my parents the way somewhere when i was a child and i was right but i had never been there before spooky you may say but it has happened Lot's of times so i believe in living dieing and coming back again a bit like recycling really.

  16. Hmm..sounds like that theory about the zodiac're destined to go through life 12 times (once under each sign) to learn all the life lessons you're supposed to learn.

  17. Well it was the guy down the street. . .  Not really. I don't think just one person sat down and thought that up. I think it was just allot of different peoples philosophy on things. I figure that when you die, the energy has to go somewhere, that it doesn't die. I feel that (and this is only the way I think) Every ones energy has to take a turn being something else,like a dog, or a spider, or a different type  race of human, of a rich person, or a poor person, or a fish, or whatever. I think your energy has to experience every life form there is until you get to go to heaven? ( I don't believe in it)  Or, h**l would be having to live the life you disapproved of while living. I don't know. Who Does?

  18. The Circle Theory: A Theory of Cyclic Existence

    (check the link for a more comprehensive understanding)

  19. It's not a theory unless it's supported by some sort of evidence.  What you have described is at most speculation.  It *might* qualify as a hypothesis, but I can't imagine how such a speculation might be tested.

  20. The chances are you have asked this question many times but in a different life.

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