
Can anyone explain to me about HD ready?

by  |  earlier

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Is having a digital virgin media box or freeview enough?

Do i have to get a HD ready TV?

Ive been told many different things and im now confused.

I wanna get my children a portable tv and a freeview box but if everythings turning HD will i be wasteing my money or will i be ok???

Can somebody with definate accurate knowledge explain please..




  1. From wiki:  In the USA, "HD Ready" refers to any display that is capable of accepting and displaying a high-definition signal at either 720p, 1080i or 1080p using a component video or digital input, and does not have a built-in HD-capable tuner.

    Bottom line is that it can display HD but doesn't have an HD tuner.  The tuner is what gets the signal from the antenna or cable for display on the screen.  Without the tuner you just have a video monitor.

  2. Latest TV models should be HD ready anyway. Nothing special about it. They are just capable to receive HD broadcasting.

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