
Can anyone explain to me why WWF was sued for it's name and became WWE?

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Also why couldn't World Wild Life Fund use WWLF O_o




  1. I don't quite understand your question if you know that the world wildlife foundation sued them. The World Wildlife Foundation existed way before WWF(wrestling) did. Not to mention they are a great cause, and WWE just makes money for entertainment purposes. This is kinda self-explanatory.

  2. in 2000 world wildlife fund wwf sued them for money then i 2002 they agreed to change wwf to wwe

  3. In 2000, the World Wildlife Fund (also WWF), an environmental organization now called the World Wide Fund for Nature, sued the World Wrestling Federation. A British court agreed that Titan Sports had violated a 1994 agreement which had limited the permissible use of the WWF initials overseas, particularly in merchandising. On May 5, 2002, the company quietly changed all references on its website from "WWF" to "WWE", while switching the URL from to The next day, a press release announced the official name change from World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. to World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., or WWE, and the change was publicized later that day during a telecast of Monday Night Raw, which emanated from the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. For a short time, WWE used the slogan "Get The 'F' Out."The company had also been ordered by court to stop using the old WWF Attitude logo on any of its properties and to censor all past references to WWF, as they no longer owned the trademark to the initials WWF in 'specified circumstances'. Despite litigation, WWE is still permitted use of the original WWF logo, which was used from 1984 through 1997, as well as the "New WWF Generation" logo, which was used from 1994 through 1998. Furthermore, the company may still make use of the full "World Wrestling Federation" and "World Wrestling Federation Entertainment" names without consequence.

  4. Because World Wild Life Fund used WWF first, but the irony of this is that now World Wild Life Fund is using WWLF instead of WWF.

  5. i did not copy tripleh i just look at wiki copy their person ask questing pick tripleh

    2000, the World Wildlife Fund (also WWF), an environmental organization now called the World Wide Fund for Nature, sued the World Wrestling Federation. A British court agreed that Titan Sports had violated a 1994 agreement which had limited the permissible use of the WWF initials overseas, particularly in merchandising.[11] On May 5, 2002, the company quietly changed all references on its website from "WWF" to "WWE", while switching the URL from to The next day, a press release announced the official name change from World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. to World Wrestling Entertainment

  6. thats what theyre using now!

  7. The organization chose to have the initials WWF b4 WWE

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