
Can anyone explain to me why some people are against photo ID's for voting purposes?

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I think its a very good idea. So many times dead people have voted.




  1. The claim is it would discourage poor people from voting....which is a lie...they need IDs to cash a welfare check or have a bank account  so to say it is dicriminating is a scare tactic...besides there was even a plan to let certain income levels get IDs for free...if they needed one.

  2. So illegals can influence our elections.

  3. how would you be able to vote multiple times like that?  I mean, really. lol

  4. It is a constitutional question, the people in disagreement could view it as a poll-tax, which is unconstitutional.  Making people "pay" to vote, is a barrier on there free right in a democratic society.  

    If you a really think about it, even if we use an ID system I am sure someone will figure out how to cook the books in a new way.  It has nothing to do with the way people get around the system, if you isolate the people you get the real problem.  If people payed more attention these types of problems would be self-correcting.  In other countries there are massive riots if corruption is detected.

  5. Photo ID's would lessen fraud.  Those who get elected based on fraud are against it.

    Here are some of their arguments:

    1) It's a poll tax to require an id - no, it's not.  People need ID to do lots of things - buy alcohol & cigarettes, cash checks, drive.  Add to it, Inidana's state id is FREE.

    2) It discriminates against college students in Indiana.  As it's illegal to vote twice, those students need to either use an absentee ballot from their home state, or establish residency in Indiana.

    3) Felons and other people wishing to disappear from the system can't get id w/o disclosing where they are.  And our main concern is whether they get to vote??

    Many groups are actively registering non-citizens and other non-eligible folks on the voter rolls.  These groups (like ACORN) wish to influence elections.  BTW, it's a felony to impersonate a US citizen, and a non-citizen registering to vote is doing exactly that.

  6. Not every person has a picture ID.  i volunteer in a senior nursing home, and many of these people are watching this process with great interest, and intend to vote...they do not have picture ID.

  7. Because it does more to keep legitimate voters from voting than it does to stop fraud.

    We have no evidence that there is widescale voter fraud. Everybody claims it but nobody has been able to catch it so you have to be suspect that it is much of an issue.

    But, we know that when ID programs are put in place, voter participation drops. And it drops more for low income  people and young.

    The reason is that young and low income people tend to not own a house and to move frequently. When you move, you need to change your voter identification. Many people forget to do that. I know because I've done several voter registration drives and the vast majority of people I sign up were already registered but moved and had forgotten to change their registration.

    If you put in a requirement for an ID, not only is that something else the person has to get but it is also another thing they have to change their address on. You have to know people who move and either never change their driver license address or wait a year to do so.

    with these ID laws, ff you go to a polling place to vote, you will not only have to have your name on the registration rolls but you will have to have an ID with an address that matches the one on the registration rolls.

    Yeah, it doesn't seem like a big thing but it disproportionately affects young and poor people who move frequently.

  8. When a person has to show an ID to write a check, I don't think there should be a problem expecting them to do the same to vote. Of course, it will make it that much tougher for democrats to commit voter fraud.

  9. Fact #1 Those who oppose requiring legal identification prior to registering to vote or for voting are predominately of the Democrat persuasion.

    Fact #2 The vast majority of voter fraud is committed by those voting for Democratic Politicians examples include dead people being registered to vote, Union members shown to have voted numerous times, illegal aliens being registered to vote and actually voting (this actually changed the outcome of an election in Orange County Ca)

    Fact #3 There is NO LEGITIMATE excuse for not having a valid form of ID before registering to vote or voting. It's simply a choice, if you choose to not have ID then you CHOOSE not to participate in the electoral system.

    Fact #4 The benefits to requiring ID far outweigh any potential "constitutional concern" which has already been addressed anyway.  Reducing / Eliminating voter fraud is of much greater importance than the possible inconvenience of getting your lazy butt down to DMV and getting a State ID card.

  10. Then how could people vote several times? Do you realized if asked for ID the ILLEGAL aliens could not vote at all?

    The idea that poor people would be disenfranchised is the most laughable argument to come from these deluded clowns.

    I am fairly well off, if I wanted to, I could pay cash for everything and still live my life, ID free.

    In order to receive state benefits you MUST have ID, the poor have to have it the most.

    That argument is just part of standard liberal tactics, when logic fails use class warfare.

    Just in case, I would be willing to have a program tat provide ID's to the poor. If there are people that poor, this should happen anyway. I am a bit skeptical that is the case, but I am willing to subsidize it.

  11. It makes it harder for Democrats to set up groups to register ineligable voters,like ACORN. They need all the fraudulent votes they can get to keep pushing their agenda.

    Of course any rational person knows it shouldn't be an issue. You have to show ID to buy a pack of smokes,but shouldn't have to for voting? WTF?


  12. Photo ID's can be easily forged.


  13. Haha, I would agree with you.  I believe that certain people are opposed to this idea because they view it as some sort of barrier to voting akin to poll testing.  They say it would limit the poors' right to vote.  Although state IDs cost what...$7?  And even the poorest of the poor in the U.S. can afford this.

  14. Obviously because the use of photo ID will make cheating extremely difficult...!!!!

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