
Can anyone explain to me why telekinesis is not possible ?

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Can anyone explain to me why telekinesis is not possible ?




  1. Who says that Newton is the authority in anything. Just because one human says these are "laws" doesn't make it fact. They've served us well for a time but as with his atomic theories, these might be on their way out as well. Nothing is permanent, everything changes. That is the only thing that is fact.

  2. There is no known force that would explain telekinesis.  If it did occur, it would represent a totally unknown area of physics.  One that didn't manifest itself in any other way.  It would mean we're missing something really big about the way the universe works - but there's nothing to suggest that.  No one has ever been able to demonstrate telekinesis under controlled circumstances (that means, when they couldn't be cheating).  If someone claims they can do it, we're happy to test them - discovering something that proves current science wrong is the dream of every scientist - but so far, no luck.

  3. Only forces can cause objects to move.  There are four and only four types of forces known to physics, and physics is the first and last word on how the universe works.

    The forces are:

    1)  gravity

    2)  electromagnetism

    3)  strong nuclear force

    4)  weak nuclear force

    Gravity depends only on mass and distance.  Your brain's mass cannot wildly fluctuate to cause some kind of gravity disturbance, so this is out of the question.

    There is electrical activity in the brain, but the human body maintains a neutral charge; there is no way to build up enough charge to attract an object across the room.

    The strong and weak nuclear forces operate only over subatomic distance (inside the nucleus of an atom).  It's impossible for them to act on a distant object.

    That's all four forces taken care of.  There is no other mechanism that a human brain could use to move an object.

    If you still think telekinesis is possible, try to find someone who can demonstrate it in a controlled environment under close supervision (i.e., not a performer on a set).  Nobody has ever passed a test like this, despite thousands of claims.

  4. Yes telekinesis in possible. no matter what people say. I do beleive in it. Our mind is capable to do so many things some things that we havent even thought of. even einstein has only used 8% of his brain. And telekinesis is possible. nothing is impossible. and by the way for people who dont think it is they all are narrow minded.

  5. For any object to deviate from it's current motion requires a physical force to be exerted on it.  No-one anywhere has ever been able to exert a physical force by thought alone.  Thought is not the sort of thing that can exert a physical force on an external object.


  6. Newton's laws;

    I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

    II. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

    III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Even so, there are still many capabilities in life that nobody knows of.

  7. In classical Newtonian physics (where most skeptics stop their search) a physical object must come into contact with another physical object and a force (that can not be seen) is exerted on the other object causing movement.

    Quantum entanglement (link below) has supporting experimental evidence and has eliminated the "it defies physics" argument of the skeptics several years ago.

    It is possible (even though still speculative) that quantum entanglement and other findings from quantum physics will explain many aspects of parapsychology events including psychokinesis.


  8. Telekinesis is possible

    as with any ability, we all have one but we just have to find which one we have.

  9. Yes, ANYONE can explain to you why telekinesis is not possible.  What is your question?

  10. I have heard stories about Buddhist monks being able to levitate.  I do not know if those stories are true.  Maybe some people do have the ability to defy the laws of gravity, or tap into the workings of some other natural law we do not understand.

  11. Telekinesis is possible, just not probably. the mind is capable of far more than we know. its a true mystery!

  12. I don't believe in telekinesis...but if anything that looks like it happens..I  believe that it's spirits doing the moving of the objects.

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