
Can anyone explain what happened?

by  |  earlier

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a while ago i had a cold so i took some i think tylenol cold pm or am (not sure) and then went to sleep. middle of the night i woke up suddenly and was violently sick to my stomach and rushed to the bathroom, stumbled back to bed and fell asleep immediatly, then some time after that i suddenly opened my eyes and felt my body was vibrating and i tried to move and it felt like i was moving my arms but i wasnt. then suddenly was asleep again. only to wake up violently sick again. i went back to sleep and woke up in the morning perfectly fine. just confused about what happend. i think i might have OD'd or something. maybe i took the PM medicine that morning and the AM that night and fell asleep on it by accident. i really dont know. i'm just curious as to what it could have been.




  1. That sometimes happens - part of your brain wakes up, but part doesn't, so you can't really move, though it feels like you can. It can be scary, but it's usually not a problem. It happend to me more when I was a teen. If it concerns you, see your doctor.

    It's called "sleep paralysis" - here's a better explanation

  2. I doubt you would get that sick from mixing the AM and PM doses.  I'd say you had a really high fever.

  3. It was probably all a dream. Drugs can make you dream crazy dreams.

  4. go see a doctor

  5. i will tell u what happened.....i think there was a vibrator between your legs...sooo that might be the cause for your vibration

  6. It could have been what you said....or...It also reminded me of this one time when I got this bout of food poisoning, and experienced the same kinds of things that you described.....It's hard to say these days, because there seems to be a lot of weird things out there...viruses and stuff !

    I Hope your feeling better and never to have that again !

  7. Tell your doctor about this one.

    You may have an allergy to one or more of the ingredients in the medications you took, which, in combination with your cold, caused the nausea and what sounds like a bit of a convulsion in the middle of the night.

    Do not take any more of either medication until your doctor gives you the ok.

  8. ya,some kinda reaction to it..those products dont work,i only drink water,and allot of it,i havent been sick in years.....

    just keep drinking it..

  9. sounds like you may be allergic to the cold medicine.

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