
Can anyone explain why China and India need more gas than the U.S.?

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Do they have more S.U.V's or cars than us? I understand supply and demand, but why so much demand for gas all of a sudden?




  1. they have larger populations, and usually more inefficient technologies.

  2. 1.3 billion and 1.1 billion people respectively!

  3. Large populations and increased resources

  4. China, and India's  population is massive their country has to provide them with electricity and such whiich consumes alot of energy.

    China is the world's leader in manufacturing (they need fuel to run their factories)

    They own may automibles too

    Even if America is big with a large population the demand on gas is greater because of the things I mentioned.

    The Us does not have half as many factories as these countries do

  5. Since Bill Clinton, and then Pres Bush, opened up free trade with the USA and China and India, their economy has boomed. More production, more jobs, more money. People are buying lots of cars. But remember too. Just as with the United States, MOST of that oil is going for production. And just like the United States, only 27 percent of all oil is made into gasoline. The rest goes for making plastic, powering factories, heating, electricity, hydraulic fluids, etcetera.

  6. If there is a major increase in the needs of the two countries and you add their needs together and there is only so much oil available each day and that takes away from the supply available to the US, question answered.

  7. Developing countries, large population in a small area. Increasing number of roads, slower traffic.

  8. Beside cars. They are using gas to generate power supply for new factories and new companies.

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