
Can anyone explain why I dream like this?

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This used to happen almost every night 5 years ago now it's just every once in a while.Like a normal night I get in bed and wiggle around until I get comfortable. Then right at the moment that I stop being aware of my surroundings and go into that first "light sleep" something HAPPENS to me. It's like I know exactly what is happening when it does. It feels like some kind of force is upon me. Something pushing at me..almost like that something is alive. IT isn't a body...just a force/a pressure. Its harder to breath. I'm trying to shake my body hard enough to wake myself up. Sometimes I hear evil laughing. Sometimes it's a deep voice repeating something strange like "get ready!". I'm still trying to wake up but i can't. I try to scream but I can't get any words out. It soo hard to I'm tied down. Then when I finally wake up I'm exhausted and it happens again usually. It doesn't feel like a nightmare because I'm always fully aware of what is happening. MORE----




  1. Same thing used to happen to me when I was younger. And when it happened to me we soon discovered there was a spirit in our home. And a few weeks later my grandfather died. I don't know, maybe there is some spirit in your home. Don't get freaked out. Just talk to your friends or something.

  2. i understand what you are going though. i have experienced similiar things.  i don't know what your view on God is...but i know that when i had these dreams/nightmares it didn't sit well.  Diablo en su espalda translates to Devil on your back.  demon attacks are very real and specifically mentioned in the Bible. (Matthew 8:28-33, Luke 8:2, Acts 5:16, Satan can bring attacks against you. It is important to note, however, that unless Jesus IS Lord of your life and your Savior, you have no protection against Satanic attacks (Acts 19:13-16) and it is very important that you accept Christ. James 4:7-8 reads, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you."   So in a nut shell,  give your life to God and cast the demons from your life...literally...force yourself awake and  say " satan you have no new tricks....i cast you out in the name of Jesus" over and over again. i hope this helps.

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