
Can anyone explain why someone is a picky eater?

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My husband hates everything I like food wise. He used to be a vegitarian but has since started eating chicken and fish. He'll sometimes eat red meat but it's not often. I can't understand why people are picky eaters? And it's not just coz he doesn't like it, it can simply look bad.




  1. Picky eaters have never suffered from forced hunger.  Going without food for three days is a sure cure for picky eaters.

    Action item: Have your husband kidnapped and dropped into the middle of the forest with a map, compass and water.  After a three day hike, he gets to civilization and have, waiting for him, all of his unfavorite foods.  Let's see how picky he is about his food then.

  2. I am a VERY picky eater.  I do not like onions, green peppers, green onions, red peppers, meatloaf, grapefruit, and on and on.  It all started when I was in high school, I ran cross country and track and field and was on a very strict diet.  I was a runner for nine years so needless to say after that nine years was over the taste of things that I used to like that I never even thought about eating were out of the question.  They did not have the same taste or smell or anything.  That has grown into if I see something that does not look good I will not try it.  I used to be worse than this but being pregnant I have been getting cravings and some of my tastes for food are coming back.  I used to not even like soda or any condiments on my hamburgers.  It has taken me a long time to grow back into eating healthy and smart.

  3. It depends. Sometimes it's for dietary/health reasons. Like red meat and stuff are less healthy for you than chicken and fish. If you're a health-nut, you'll be more likely to stay away from the red meat.

    I guess some people actually don't like the taste of certain meats or meals, so that also acts as a deterrent.

    But really fussy eating usually comes down to dietary restrictions and it's all in the brain. You can really learn to like to eat almost anything, especially when you're hungry

  4. i'm a picky eater....i will not eat anything with herbs. when someone offers me food with herbs, i'll simply take them all out. i guess it's just the taste of a certain food  that makes me picky.

  5. He is stubborn and unadventurous.  I feel sorry for you.

  6. Actual it is scientific answer. Research has stated that those who are picky eaters, tend to have a super tongue ... which can taste everything. From something sweet too something that was left out  yesturaday.  These people are usually skinny and can hardly eat anything.  People who are overweight tend to have less taste buds on their tongue, thus giving better eating quality.  Sorry to here that about your husband, good trick that i have heard make everything less... meaning less salt, less sugar, and less love.......

    Peace out...

  7. My son is one, I did some reading, from what I can deduce, picky eaters have more taste buds then other people.  So they are more sensitive to certain tastes.  Mildly spicy to us maybe fire to them.  Strawberries and tomatoes, which are mold foods, actually may taste moldy to them while not to us.

    Looking bad, I can't say I blame them.

    My son, also was sensitive to texture.  For example, he would eat regular applesauce but not chunky.  And this is as an adult who ate other foods so it is not like he does not like things that needed to be chewed-- fries and burgers for example.

  8. This is a learned behaviour because someone would make separate meals for them instead of teaching theim to eat what is on the table. I guess he wants you to do the same thing.

  9. There is picky and there is discerning. It sounds like your husband is discerning. If you go from a vegetarian diet to an omnivore diet, and vice versa,  the food textures and tastes change. There is also the element of grease from meat, it can be minimized but it is still there. Also, what are you cooking. Generally, vegetarians have a wide and diverse range of foods that are quite favorable. Is your food kind of middle of the road, steak and potatoes fare. I wouldn't like that either. Try a stir-fry with fresh vegetables and peppers. Shrimp turns out amazing in stir fries. Picky means that you stick with a very narrow range of food, like fried things or one type of cuisine.. It is quite common in the South

  10. I AM A PICKY EATER BECAUSE MY PARENTS MADE ME EAT EVERYTHING.  My father like to deer hunt and everytime I would come home from school  something was being slaughtered being hung upside down.

  11. I AM A PICKY EATER...I can't give you a scientific answer, but for me it started as a child.  My mom's motto was try anything (foodwise) at least once, so I vowed that when I got 18 I wouldn't eat anything else that I didn't want to.  Also, I wonder sometimes if it's that we're picky or is it that we are absolutely sure of what we like & what we don't like.

  12. Because they are a spoiled child.

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