
Can anyone explain why the 2008 World Series of Pokers decided to wait four months to play the final table?

by Guest34382  |  earlier

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I could never figure out why the latest WSOP would have their tournament start in June and then when it came down to the final table, they would wait four months to finish it. Personally, I think it doesn't make sense and, by then, a lot of people would actually forget about the Main Event.




  1. Yes, I can explain.  The WSOP as a whole consists of many events.  These many events consist of thousands (probably hundreds of thousands) of hands.  They film them all and they then have to weed through these thousands of hands and find the most interesting and TV worthy.  Then, they have to edit in Norm and Lon's commentary.  I am almost certain that Norm and Lon are NOT witnessing and commenting on the hands live as they are happening.  Think about it, the Main Event is week long I believe and going for something like 10+ hours each day.  You really think Norm and Lon are watching and commenting for every event, every day for a month straight?  Their commentary is getting added in after the fact.  This, combined with selecting which hands to show means a lot of post production.  They can't just whip the show together in a week after the final table is done.  That is why it takes months before we see the shows.

    Edit:  Nevermind, after reading up a bit, I didn't realize that they are delaying the final table until November.  The answer is money.  Live table means higher ratings means more money.  Money rules all.

  2. Yes, they wanr to do an extended profile on all the finalist, i guess they figured that people watching the WSOP were very interested in what kind of people and their backgrounds made it to the finals. Human interest stories always a big sell when mega bucks are involved and how it can change peoples lives. Sounds kinda wishy washy, but its true, also makes for more episodes and more drama to keep viewers coming back for more.

  3. TV ratings and hype.  We all know who won last year, but hardly anyone knows who came in third.  This way the public will have time to get to know all 9 players at the table and watch the final nearly live.  In previous years everyone knew who won before it aired, so people only watched to see how they won.  This year we'll be able to watch both who won and how as it happens - at least as long as we're able to stay away from the internet for a couple of hours!

  4. Well it's a questionable decision and it has everything to do with the contract with ESPN.  Their money talked.  It's understandable why though as they want to milk this with their weekly show and people actually watching omaha games and such in eager anticipation of the big finale.  They want to broadcast the smaller stuff first and the lag is now in the tournament rather than in the time it takes to broadcast it.  Makes sense from a business perspective I guess although many fans might not be too happy.  

    King Cobra Poker

  5. To let people catch up on their sleep.

    It's all about money. Everything is.

  6. I'm surprised that everyone is saying they're against this decision to delay the final table.  If you're one of the nine players who is at that table, then yes I wouldn't be too happy about it.  Any momentum you may have been generating is totally gone, and the main event's going to turn into kind of a sit n go.

    However, as a poker player I have to look at the bigger picture, and what this is going to do for poker is a good thing.  When Chris Moneymaker won the Main Event, poker rooms exploded, everyone wanting to try their shot at making some quick bucks.  I forsee a similar, although less dramatic result from this move by ESPN.

    By creating hype about the event, by getting people excited, interested, whatever, by them wanting to watch and creating that curiosity, there's going to be a nice fresh wave of viewers who decide to try playing, and anytime new people start playing poker, it's a good thing in my eyes.

    So while for nine individuals this delay is a bummer, for the poker community and the game as a whole, it may be a quite exceptionally good thing.

  7. So that there would be much more hype to the final table. Before, when Jerry Yang won it in 2007 everyone knew before it was on TV and ESPN didn't as much money as they wanted. Now if they delay the final table to November the final table will be almost a live broadcast on ESPN with much more people watching bringing the event much more excitement.

  8. I too think it's a mistake, but it's all about money and TV ratings.

    They don't want to show the Main Event on TV just yet, because it is the summer, and apparently people don't watch TV in the summer.

    So they want to show the Main Event footage in the early fall, leading up to the final table that will be show almost immediately after it happens.

    I think the concern is that everyone knew last year who had won, months before it got shown on TV.  This took away from the excitement of watching; knowing who was going to win anyway.

    While it may suck for the players having to wait so long, the knowledge that they have at least $1m coming to them will probably get them through the day.

    One of the reasons I disagree with the concept is that something could happen.  What if one of the players gets sick, and so has to play the tournament sick, or maybe just gets blinded out because he could not attend?  What if he dies?  Then he will get blinded out, and his family will maybe get 8% of what his prize might have been if he had been there to play.

    I think Harrahs is beginning to think a little too much about the TV and the ratings, and less about the players who make it all possible.

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