
Can anyone explain why the Post Office have 2 classes of stamps?

by  |  earlier

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I can't believe for one minute that sorting offices have the time or resources to classify the mail into separate queues, so what's this farce all about?




  1. they don't, but, the machines that read the letters also pick up the postage stamp, so then it sorts it out automatically into First and Second sort.

    I use to work for Royal Mail, and I have seen it in action!

  2. First is a faster   day delivery

  3. first class letters get to ride in the van and second class have to cling to the roof

  4. Farce ?

    They do have the resources.

    Try a job in a sorting office and you will see first hand how the modern machinery can do it.

    I worked for a Royal Mail company and saw it first hand - so this information is not second hand !!!

  5. People who badly want their letter to go in a hurry are supposed to put First Class stamp on, and those not bothered if it takes longer a Second Class stamp. So when they come in either or manually First Class ones end up in different sorting box to second class ones. When the sorting office gets really busy, like just before Christmas, sorters on night shift are ordered ignore second class stuff and just sort all the First Class and only  when that is done and they have had break they start on second class. So second class post takes a day or more longer to get to its destination but nobody complains because they expected that when they put a second class stamp on so everybody is happy and says

    "aren't Royal Mail good"

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