I want to get these for my friends for Christmas, but I was also going to get them something else. So if I buy them at the original price of $75, they're $37.50 each. I did find some on eBay for $65, which meant they're 32.50 each, but the bidding ended before I even got a chance. Please help me find some. Links would be awesome!!
Here's the necklaces: http://www.swarovski.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/SCO-Web_US-Site/en_US/-/USD/SW_ParametricSearch-Start?extended_search_result=&search_typecode=2&search_typecode=3&search_typecode=32&search_typecode=33&search_typecode=34&search_typecode=35&search_online=true&search_category_recursive=true&search_attribute_keyword=name&search_attribute_keyword=keywords&search_attribute_keyword=occ&sortDirection=available_new_asc&search_hint=%2F*no+hint*%2F&search_query_keyword=puzzle
I already tried looking in stores, but all the ones near where I live don't sell them. So yeah. Please help me! Thanks a bunch!