
Can anyone find this specific 9/11 photo?

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There is a september 11 photo of this man on top of the tower itself and in the background of the photo is the jet seconds away from the tower. the man is wearing sunglasses (i think) and is smiling.

I rember seeing it in a youtube video, but if you find a photo that would be good as well.

thanks for your help




  1. Now you must ask in the h**l did that camera and the film survive the ensuing collapse and fire?

    Well, it didn't.  It was proven that the pic was a fake.  The fake was posted on at one time, but not sure if it's there anymore.

  2. Yeah, I saw that on

    Can't say which video, but it's in there.

  3. What a terrible thing to fake, how sick and awful of this person/s.

  4. Google search; WTC photos.  The photo is  a fake.  The photographer would have had to be standing on something elevated and the 9/11 film clips show the plane coming in at an angle, in order to hit multiple floors. The only survivors were those who were below where the planes hit. It was a nice try anyhow.

  5. this it?

    i found this years ago, not sure where, and saved it.

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