
Can anyone give a detailed daily workout routine for boxing?

by  |  earlier

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i am 16 and i would like to become a boxer. can anyone give me a very detailed workout routine of wat i should do in one day that doesn't involve going to a gym? from the time i wake up until i go to sleep.

(the thing about the gym is that i can't find one close to my house. i live in Cicero, Illinois which is right next to Chicago.

if anyone knows a good gym close to my area please let me know)





  1. Join the army and go to Iraq

  2. Your asking a tough question but try running and do it like this do Sprint's then walk doing it back in forth for say 30 minutes a day. Do lots of set ups and push ups. And then Shadow box a few rounds and try to learn to master the Jab as all punches usually come off a good Jab. I'm surprised there is no Gym close to you ,maybe a ymca could be close......

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