
Can anyone give a me a ballpark cost of living for a single male in mexico?

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The main place I'm looking at is Guadalajara, perhaps Cuernavaca or others (I'm open to suggestions) if that's where your knowledge lies.

And I mean living, (possibly as an english teacher) Not traveling.

I'm not looking to live extravagantly, just have enough for the necessities plus a little extra for entertainment, cultural exploration and possibly small emergencies.

Basically a small 1 room apartment sort of deal in decent condition w/ kitchen and plumbing.

No car, just walking and public transit.

Fresh food diet.




  1. Well, you could live well on $ 1000.00 a month, and you could get by on 700 to 800.  BUT, you will have a difficult time finding a job in Mexico that pays that much.  You must have a WORK visa, and the only way to get a work visa is to find an employer who offers you a job and will write a letter stating he cannot find a Mexican national to fill that job.  To find a teaching job in any kind of school or institute you will have to have a degree and provide proof of your education.  It is quire dificult for a gringo to work in Mexico and pay rates are very low.

  2. Hi.  I live in Guadalajara, and I am a teacher as well.  My rent, cable, water, and electricity is about $500 US a month.  I live in a small 2 bedroom apartment in a small neighborhood about 10 minutes by bus from the school.  You will be fine on a teacher's salary.  I go out every weekend, buy new clothes once in a while, and do girlie things like pedicures and manicures.  I'm even adding to my saving account each paycheck.  If you work at the American School, you will be VERY comfortable.

  3. A big variable here is whether or not you want to live like you do in the US, or are willing to live like a Mexican. If its the former, its a lot more expensive.  But if you are OK getting around on public transportation (which is much better than in the US), buying your food from market vendors rather than a US style supermarket, and eating Mexican food, and living in an apt or house that may be lacking amenities like air conditioning, then you'll save a lot of money.

    (a few years back I rented a 2 bedroom house in a small town  near Oaxaca for $80/ was a nice-looking place altho there was no AC, the water heater was wood-burning, and there were tarantulas...its probably costlier now, and that's a cheap location even by Mexican standards...)

  4. guadalajara is going to run you more, because it's a big city.  i would agree that you could get by on 1000 USD a month.  i do think you can find a job that will pay someone teaching full time english at a university or american school....not at some language school.  the thing is, you really need to be an actual english teacher...not somone whose decided to teach english.  and it's imperative that you have a work visa.

  5. a real deal is living in Tijuana and working in San Diego.  California has some of the highest pay rates so you can do really well.

    You earn dollars and pay rent in pesos.  of course, TJ is not the cheapest city to live in in Mexico, but you have quick access to the US and all of its amenities.

    look the area up on google earth for school, shops, etc...

  6. I had a 2 bedroom apartment in Cuernavaca for $3000 pesos close to centro, market but still residential.

    I now have a 3 bedroom 2 bath house a block from the beach for $4000 mx

    Fresh food is generally cheap .. and prepared or containerized about the same as the US

    Phone - $25

    DSL - $40

    Gas - not much (cooking and hot water)

    Electricity - high but may be included

    Taxi - reasonable

    Local buses - dirt cheap

    Long haul buses - reasonable

    Night life and historic sites - reasonable

  7. Guadalajara is beautiful - I love the city. But I think 1000 Dollars ist really only to get by. I lived in Mexico for 8 years, and needed that to cover my expenses (that included rent 300 Dlls and car) Guadalajara has lots of public transportation, I would recommend you to have a car though. We are not used to that type of transportation (taxi is fine, but bus....) It is not fun! Dirty, smelly and takes forever- as they stop at each corner.

    Your work permit FM3 is not too difficult to get if you have an employer that already has an account with Immigration. You should not try working with a comppany who does not already employ foreigners and does not have an account with Immigration. That quick would get expensive and might be denied. Don't go with a fancy lawyer. That is only money and won't do any better than to do it yourself. Most companies who hire foreigners have already someone who will do the process with you.

    You won't find a decent job if you are not a certified english teacher.

    If you aren't you might want to try tourist destinations (Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Vallarta) as for the need for foreign workers is much higher and you most likely find any job.

    Good luck

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