
Can anyone give a persuasive speech for recycling?

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i do not have time to write my own




  1. Recycling is good because all resources are limited.

    I didn't have time to give you a decent answer.

  2. You are going to die.Would you rather die sooner or later?

  3. If you havnt cycled once you cant recycle, so that would be the first thing i would persuede in my speech. Cycling is good for health and reduces the environment.

  4. Recycling is such an important environmental issue, and yet it seems as though there isn’t much done about it as a community. If you ask a random person on the street what they think about recycling, nine times out of ten they’ll smirk and tell you it’s good for the environment. But, really, they don’t understand the significance of recycling. Recycling is plainly returning an item back to its original condition so that it can be reused. Recycling is so important to the welfare of our community that California passed a law that required all of its counties and cities to cut the amount of waste going to their landfills in half. Although, few know that recycling waste products conserves water, energy, trees, and helps reduce pollution in our drinking water and air.

    Possibly a more important reason to recycle is because it will reduce pollution risks in our society. Perhaps the most obvious way it will be able to do this is by keeping waste out of landfills, which can introduce contaminants and other toxins into groundwater systems. Recycling also keeps materials out of incinerators, which can pollute the air and create severe ash residue. Furthermore, recycling lowers environmental damage caused by logging, mining, as well as other methods that facilitate the procreation of raw materials. Most importantly, recycling prevents the emissions of many greenhouse gasses and water pollutants. Perhaps the most appealing reason to recycle is because of its ability to create a myriad of jobs. Recycling creates eight times the amount of jobs incinerator and landfill companies generate. Reuse, recycling, and waste reduction offer direct development opportunities for communities.


  5. Theee speech:

    Well, people ask, "Why Recycle?" But, really, why would you NOT recycle? Lets look at the facts.

    First of all, recycling allows us to have our old containers and products be remade into something else we need. What else were you going to do with your empty coke bottle, just throw it away? Well, why throw it away when you can recycle, and that coke bottle can be made into another future coke bottle!

    So, when you recycle, you are not using new materials. So if you recycle something like paper or plastic, then no more NEW trees need to be cut down, because your old paper will be made into new paper. And the last thing we want to run out of is trees. Because, just on a side note, trees suck out the carbon dioxide in the air, which helps control global climate change. So, connecting that together, when you recycle, you are also help fight global warming! So far, we are killing two birds with one stone just by throwing that little old piece of paper into your recycling bin and not the garbage.

    And final thing. Did you know that recycling will have you save money? Or maybe even, make money! When you go to the dump, or get your recycling picked up every week, what are you spending? About 20 bucks? 30 bucks? Well at my local dump, when you bring your recycling there, its absolutely free. And roadside pickup is only 7 dollars. And in some special circumstances, you can get paid for the amount of weight of recycling you bring in. Getting paid to recycle? Can't beat that! So, when you recyle, you lessen the amount trash you put out into the world. And on another side note, that means less stuff in land fills. Land fills are things that are taking up acres and acres of beautiful and making it places where all your trash goes. Okay, so when you less the amount of trash you put into the world, you save money because you then aren't bring as much to the dump.

    There is even a system out there called RecycleBank, where you recycle cans are weighed, and you get "points" for the amount of recycling you have, and those "points" can get redeemed at a local grocery store, so then you will save money on groceries. Again, making MONEY here by recycling?

    So, go out and spend about 20 dollars on 2 or 3 recycle cans. One for paper, one for plastic, one for alluminum, and if you want, one for glass. And just think you have that empty can in your hand, do you want to lose money with this can, and suck up natural resources with it? Or do you want to save or make money with it, and have it go to a better by recycling? THe answer seems pretty obvious to me. Go ahead, and recycle. Its definitely the better choice.

    :) Hope it wasn't too corny!

  6. All I can tell you is that Gemany discovered that reprocessing waste generates more pollution than making new goods from scratch.

    The rest of Europe sends it c**p to the UK fro reprocessing because they don't want all the c**p and its fallout in their own countries.

    The only effective way to reduce pollution is to reduce production in the first place - fact!

  7. Ok why not limit your talk to one topic? Every disposable nappy that ever was is still in existence  as they don't break down for what is estimated to be a few hundred years. Look at the size of the shelving in your local supermarket that's devoted to to packs of disposables and then imagine the number of lorries used to transport them all over the country every day. Then imagine all the young couples motoring down to the late night shop because they've run out of nappies. This compares very unfavourably with one delivery made in the first place for your bundle of washable nappies. You get to dry them for free during the summer if you have a washing line. The following comes from one of the many nappy network websites:-

    Disposable nappies thrown in your dustbin are buried in Essex landfill sites.

    Over a third of a million disposable nappies are buried in Essex landfill sites every day!

    No one knows how long it takes for the plastic parts of a disposable nappy to decompose. Estimations of a few hundred years have been suggested, which means the first ever disposable nappy made is still lying around somewhere.

    All nappies have some environmental impact but you can reduce nappy waste going to a landfill site by using cloth nappies.

    Although there have been no scientific trials, both parents and health professionals have recognised that a child in cloth nappies becomes potty trained far sooner than those in disposables.  This is because the child is able to feel some wetness: this awareness acts as a stimulant to encourage your child to use a potty.

    A fact from Ghana:

    Babies in rural Ghana wear cloth nappies made from old clothes. Fasteners are not needed as the cloth is tucked into thin strings of beads which the babies wear around their tummies like belts.  Potty training there begins at 4 months and babies are generally dry by 1 year.

    And that's just one aspect of recycling!!!!!!!!

  8. Recycling is the last option we need to consider.  For something to be recycled means that resources have been used to make it and resources are going to be used to recycle it.

    In order our priorities are:

    REDUCE - Use less resources in creating new stuff.

    REUSE - Reuse existing stuff so no new resources are used.

    RECYCLE - Recycle so resources don't end up in landfill.

  9. No... sorry.. I'm awful at speeches! but use lots of emotive words and use your arms a lot and tell them it'll look good for their neighbourhood cos they won't have a stinky bin lorry hanging round the place....

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