
Can anyone give advice to a grade 8 looking for a future career in Criminology in Australia?

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My parents say its a fairly limited future but I think It might be a good field of work. Any suggestions?




  1. Dear Caitlin,

        There are a lot of sub-fields in criminology.  You could study forensics, law enforcement, criminal jusitce, even medicine.  Since you are in grade 8, you have a great opportunity to equip yourself for future courses.

       First, study hard, especially in the fields of mathematics, science and history.  All of those can bear on a career in criminology.  Next train yourself to notice and remember things, details and the world around you.  Also, train yourself to ask questions about things, even things that seem clear so you can learn the details.

       For just about any criminologist, a career starts with a university education.  There are courses in most phases of law enforcement and its sub-specialties offered in most universities in the United States.  You should talk to someone in the system to learn what is available and what you specifically have to do in order to enter the part that appeals to you.

       Finally, remember that criminology is not limited to governmental agencies.  In addition to police and armed forces work, there are private entities that use trained criminologists too.

       Good luck.  It's wonderful, rewarding field and very useful to your community.

    Tiger Toy

  2. Talk to criminologists employed where you are.  They'll be able to advise you completely.

    Here we're all complete strangers to you and one another.  We're liable to have you thinking we know things we don't.

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