
Can anyone give information on Idriss Elbasri of Morocco?

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I am looking for some Morrocan people or informed people on this person? Who is he? What does he do? And information on his family?




  1. If you are talking about Driss ElBasri, He was the right arm of the former King of Morocco Hassan II. he was named secretary of the interior which is like the number two position in the government right under the king. He was named in 1979 and stayed at the position until 1999 when the new King Mohamed VI took the throne. Driss ElBasri was known for being a very well educated man but with a very strong and hard holding hand on the kingdom. He was feared by the population and those who worked with him because of his high status in the kingdom and his power in the government. at one point he accumulated the position of secretary of the interior, secretary of the information and secretary of state.

    Under Hassan II Morocco was ruled with an iron fist and ElBasri was in charge of making sure that no rebellion would be allowed, that anybody talking against the kingdom and its rulers would be allowed and that anybody affiliated with the opposition or the Polisario (sub Sahara independents group) would be crushed.

    I hope this helps. I do not have any info on his family or anything else to that matter. Just a few things I was able to collect from articles mostly written in French. Good luck.

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