
Can anyone give me a complete list of Massie Block comebacks? I need a list nawt a reference.?

by  |  earlier

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I need comebacks such as,

"Are you a poor dress maker?

Then why are you ripping off my material?"

And I don't want a reference like

the list of books that they're in.

I want a soild LIST.




  1. How about a James Bond comeback?

    Bond; "You're not my type"

    Woman; "What? Smart?"

    Bond; "No, single"

    But no, I've never heard of Massie Block

  2. 1. Isaac, are you checking my temperature?

    No, why?

    Then why are you all up in my butt?

    2. Claire, did I invite you to my party?


    Then why are you all up in my grill?

    3. Are we a pair a b***s?


    Then stop trying to hang around me

    4. I love watching a girl do a guy's job

    That's what happens then there are no real guys around

    5. "Are you a poor dress maker?

    Then why are you ripping off my material?"

    6. Are you a toad?

    Then why are you acting all horny?

    7. (Other Person)"I can't believe you tricked me like that! I thought we had a deal"

    Then DEAL

    8. Do I look like I'm From Morrocco?

    No, Why?

    Then why do you think I would be Russian?{Rushin}

    9. Are you having a Soccer Finals Flashback?

    Because you seem a little desperate to score

    If I can think of others, and if you've already chose a best answer, I'll PM you and send some.

    Well that's all I can think of.

    Hope that helped a bit!

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