I've been looking around the internet trying to find some general guidelines for doing this and have learned a lot, but I still have some questions. Mostly all I have found is installing shower pans, which I assume would be similar to what I have in mind, but I'm not sure if there are some slight differences.
Should the liner go up higher than for a shower pan, or is the idea to seal the lower area and floor regardless of how high the water level would generally be? To me, it seems like it should be high enough to reach the top of the lowest tub wall at least, or close to it since you'll be filling the tub with water.
If I need the liner to go higher, do they make them long and wide enough? I saw one on the home depot site that is sold in 5' by 40' rolls. The 40' should be far more than sufficient, but not so sure about the 5' (plus, I'd have all this liner left over). I don't see that I could really double up on the liner. Seems like it would defeat the purpose.
Another thing, should the edge of the tub be wider for a tub than a shower curb to support the weight of being filled with water? If so, how much wider?
Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
By the way, I plan to do this myself, so suggestions on making it as easy and cheaply as possible (without skimping on quality) would also be helpful.
Oh, and any input on how installing a concrete tub compares cost and difficulty wise would be greatly appreciated.