
Can anyone give me a list of tae kwon doe moves and what they do?

by  |  earlier

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i just need a little review :)




  1. there are just too many to list. and too many variations of them to list them.

    even a list will not do you any good however. you need training.

    obviously a punch is a punch, and a kick is a kick. a block is a misrepresentation of the forms (kata/hyung) as there was originally no "blocking" at all in okinawan karate, which led to japanese karate, which led to taekwondo.

    if you want a good rundown of how to use taekwondo movements...find a good okinawan karate instructor (like iain abernethy for example) who can teach you what the movements are really for.

    mots taekwondo schools do forms...but have absolutely no idea why. which is why alot of them are considered sport nonsense arts...or watered down ..or "mcdojos" ...mcdojang's in this context.

    all the watering down started with a man named Ankoh Itosu. he taught children kata (forms) but didn't teach them the deeper meanings right away, but always intended this new karate (kids karate or karate "do") to lead into the deeper combat aspects of karate...but over the years as it was introduced to japan it became forgotten.

    so now you have all these japanese karate guys and taekwondo people practicing all these forms with no clue what they are really for.

    taekwondo comes from japanese karate largely. it isnt 2000 years old like some will tell you. it is based on shotokan karate do from japan. they changed the forms and sequences, and added in some other things such as kicks from tae kyon (an indigenous korean kicking art)

    so if you want to know the truth...go find a good shorin ryu school...or get some kata bunkai videos from someone like iain abernethy or seiyu oyata.

    kata are not for fighting, kata are not for sparring...kata are for self defense. they are for the crucial 1-5 seconds at the beginning of an altercation. the 5 seconds after someone grabs your arm or something....kata patterns are applications for those first few seconds..and making them count.

    sparring comes into play if that initial defense fails for some reason...after 5 seconds, its no longer a self defense situation...its a fight. and kata is thrown pretty much out the window because like everyone says....the fight wont go down the way it does in kata...and they are right.

    but for the initial attack during those first few seconds, you will be glad you practiced those patterns. and if it goes beyond that...youll be glad you spent so much time sparring.

  2. Punches HIT,

    Strikes HIT,

    Hits HIT,

    Stabs JAB,

    Kicks KICK,

    Blocks BLOCK or PARRY.

  3. Are looking for strikes and blocks? Forms? ITF? WTF?

  4. no!!! go to the local do jo!!

  5. Get me a stick and ill hit you if you block it thats called "DEFENDING"

    If you dont......... well........ lets face it

    youll have a two inch gash in youre head.

    the next week we would practice something like FARTING.


  6. i dont do tae kwon do i do boxing and thaiboxing but ill tell u some thaiboxing moves

    flying knee


    power angle kick

    type in on youtube human weapon nd it tells u a load of mixed martial arts moves and how to do them

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