
Can anyone give me a list of what they call the people from Italy's 20 regions?

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Like Italy is Italiano, and Florida is Floridian. U.S.A. is to American. Like that. Does anyone know a site> Wiki doesnt give that.




  1. Italian.

  2. Alas it really seems for some region a one-word adjective do not even exist in English language... Anyway, here the regions (Italian name), the Italian adjective (in masculine, singular form) and the English translation, where available.

    Val D'Aosta = valdostano (Italian) = inhabitant of Val D'Aosta

    Piemonte = piemontese = Piedmontese

    Lombardia = lombardo = Lombard

    Veneto = veneto = inhabitant of Veneto

    Liguria = ligure = Ligurian

    Trentino Alto Adige = trentino (from Trentino) altoatesino (from Alto Adige) = inhabitant of inhabitant of Trentino, inhabitant of Alto Adige

    Friuli Venezia Giulia = friulano = Friulian

    Emilia Romagna = emiliano (from Emilia), romagnolo (from Romagna) = Emilian, Romagnol(e)

    Toscana = toscano = Tuscan

    Umbria = umbro = Umbrian

    Abruzzo = abruzzese = inhabitant of Abruzzi

    Molise = molisano = inhabitant of Molise

    Marche = marchigiano = inhabitant of the Marches

    Lazio = laziale = inhabitant of Latium

    Campania = campano = Campanian

    Basilicata = lucano (basilicatese is rarely used) =  inhabitant of Basilicata

    Puglia = pugliese = Apulian

    Calabria = calabrese = Calabrian

    Sicilia = siciliano = Sicilia

    Sardegna = sardo = Sardinian

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