
Can anyone give me an idea of how much disability a vet with full blown diabetes from agent Orange will get?

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Can anyone give me an idea of how much disability a vet with full blown diabetes from agent Orange will get?




  1. First you have to prove that the diabetes was caused by Agent Orange.

    Which may be hard to do.

    Go to your local Verterans Administration and ask them about the process.  Get help from Support Groups who have done this before.

    I'm sure there is alot of "red tape" But good luck.

  2. Hopefully this link will help you get the answers you need:

  3. You will be lucky if they even acknowledge it.  It is extremely hard to prove agent orange caused diabetes or anything else in Viet Nam Vets.  My husband has helped vets get their disability for years and doing what you want to do is next to impossible.  You may get treatment from the VA, but will have a hard time getting disability for diabetes.  If you get any at all, it will not be much, maybe 30 or 40%, after a long hard battle...

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