
Can anyone give me an idea of how much it would cost to restore an old bike. It's probably about 6 or 7 years

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old or so. It needs 2 new tires. How much would they cost? Also the chain is rusty, I may be able to clean the rust off or have to replace the chain. What would you use to clean off the rust? I may also have to replace a few other parts, like the wire that goes to the speeds. It looks cut. Can anyone just roughly estimate the costs.




  1. could be as little as 100 bucks or up to 200 bucks for everything

  2. Two new tyres about £20 ($40) depending on quality. New chain about £10 ($20) for the cheapest ones- if you can afford to buy one do so, it isn't worth the time and hassle of cleaning up an old one that may in any case be past its best. Cables are about £3 ($6) each.If you do want to clean the chain you would use degreaser and then some form of light lubricant that's intended for bike chains.

  3. Tires can run from $15 to over $50 each, but figure $25 each as a good price point. A chain will run $20-35. Don't even fool with oiling a rusty chain; it is damaged and even if you get it working, it will wear rapidly. Cables, if needed, run anywhere from $4 to $10 each.

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