
Can anyone give me and my friend some prank call ideas?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend are really bored and have decided to prank call someone but we dont know what to say. Any ideas?




  1. GROW UP, you both have WAY to much time on your hands, what happens if you get calls like that?? then you start to complain about them grow up and get a life

  2. remember...every one has caller id and can always trace calls back to u. prank calling is harassment and can lead to serious trouble. Phone company's keep logs of all calls incoming and out going and can use it in court if ever needed.

  3. Don't prank call strangers. Only losers still do that.

  4. just call someone *67 and act like your ordering a pizza and call back every 10 minutes.

  5. what if you got the ideas and you are caught doing the prank calls, will it make you feel happy? if someone will do it to you also, what will you feel then, happy also? why not just send some nice text and get befriend with them so that your boredom will ease a little. who knows they will reply you also in a nice way and in the future you will become good friends at all. remember, you can benefit nothing from doing bad things which i doubt you don't want it to be done unto you.

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