
Can anyone give me arguments for and against is there life elesewhere in the solar system please?

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i need it asap and thank you for your time:)




  1. Yes, there is life on the space station.

    There is also life in the Sun, but it is a different form that can live in the Sun. They also complain about the high cost of air conditioning...

  2. for-

    1.   anything is possible

    2.   our technology today isn't good enough to be able to say that there is no life.

    3.   Outerspace is so big that we couldn't even emagine what's out there

    4.   Earth has life, so why can't another planet have life???


    1.   there is no evidence at all

    2.   When you think about it, our technology isn't bad, so why haven't we found any life

    sorry can't think of anything else but hope that this helps you:)

  3. there is no other life in our solar system...other planets are much too hot (mercury, venus) and most others are much too cold (jupiter, saturn, uranus & neptune)

    the only one that could have life is Mars but it's unlikely given it's thin atmosphere and lack of liquid water

  4. only in the Solar System?

    sheesh... reduces the choices.

    life is a process that seems to best exist within an atmosphere and within a certain temperature range.  This restriction eliminates most of the Solar System, right off the bat.

    Terrestrial life is water-based, so if we want to see life like us, we need that substance, too.

    There goes the rest of the Solar System... with the possible exception of a moon or two around a gas giant.  Way out there, temperature SHOULD be too low for life, but between tidal stresses, volcanism and the odd radiation belt electrical generator, heat CAN theoretically be sufficient.

    Beyond  that... we don't know.

  5. Feesibly there cannot be life on any other planet in the solar system, the conditions have to be almost perfect to host life, earth just happens to be in the exact position and has the correct temperatures and chemicals to support life, however it is still being speculated on whether there was life on mars hense the frozen water molecules, and there is almost certainly life out in the universe on other earth like planets.

  6. For:

    -We found water on Mars, indicating that Mars may have once been like Earth in climate

    -There is also a chance that there is water on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons

    -They found that germs left from the NASA missions to the moon survived on the surface


    -we haven't found any life anywhere other than earth

    -Most other places in the solar system are incapable of supporting life, due to lack of water, extreme temperatures, lack of atmosphere, or intense storms

  7. Go out tonight, drink heavily and discuss.  You'll find the answer.

  8. religious point of view. (even though I'm not religious LOL)  there is a scripture in the bible that reads " I created other worlds like this one" or something like that.  wish I could remember the passage.

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