
Can anyone give me examples of what is a complete sentence an what is not a complete sentence?

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i am completing an assessment to get onto a HEFC course in college and i keep tripping up in this area, HELP pleeeaaassse!!




  1. this is a complete sentence. . .....    The internet wouldn't come up today.    this is an incomplete sentence ........  I 'm gone  

  2. A sentence requires two parts.

           A subject (HINT: A noun that the sentence is about)

           A predicate(HINT: contains some kind of VERB that the subject is or did, or is doing)

    That simple!

    So " I walked" is a sentence. I is the subject and the action word is walked.

    However, "That woman next door. " is not a sentence. The woman next door is the subject, but what is she doing?

    As long as your phrase has those two things, it is a sentence.

  3. 1.  This is a complete sentence.

    2.   Not a complete sentence.  

  4. A complete sentence has a subject and a verb:


    I (subject) love (verb) my wife.

    A sentence without a subject or a verb is called a fragment.


    A red convertible with fancy rims and fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror.

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