
Can anyone give me ideas on how to do a poster on wildlife conservation?

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Can anyone give me ideas on how to do a poster on wildlife conservation?




  1. It would depend. If you are an artist you can do one yourself and places like Kinko's can make them into posters. They even have formats that you can choose and all that.

    If you are doing a painting is better or use a photograph of an endangered species or a collage of them with a thought provoking sentence like "what If" or "Imagine the world without them" or something.

    Good Luck!

  2. Do a screen capture of some of the pictures of the j**s killing those 15,000 WHALES and show them pulling the one of the Cow and Calf that were KILLED TOGETHER about 2 weeks ago..  Green Peace was showing it everywhere in the world EXCEPT... you guessed... Friggin' AMERIKA... after all, they can't show stupid, gullible AmeriKans what that j*p WHALE KILL actually LOOKS LIKE.

  3. You could choose a few species to focus on and outline:

    * Their conservation status (e.g. threatened, endangered)

    * Where they live (What type of habitat? Where in the world?)

    * Why they need protection (e.g. why are they threatened?)

    * What is being done to help them (e.g. are there organisations working to protect them? How do they do this?)

    Some interesting animals to include:

    * Muriqui (Woolly Spider Monkey)

    * Three-toed Sloth

    * Green Turtle

    * Crowned Eagle

    * Red-billed Curassow

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