
Can anyone give me ideas on how to promote my nutrition book?

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Can anyone give me ideas on how to promote my nutrition book?




  1. Yes, by requesting for reviews (and sending out the copies after satisfying the credentials of the reviewer). Go to (write to the webmaster Norm Goldman) and similar book review sites. Join several Yahoo Groups that deal with health and nutrition. Set up a website and use it as your signature byline.

    There are many other ways, including tying up with supermarkets and food chains etc.

  2. One thing would be to talk to a local newspaper reporter. Lots of times they will do a feature story on someone who is getting ready to release a new book or has just finished an art project.

    See if you can get on any local radio talk shows.

    These are just starting points. Has it been published? If so, see about book signings.

    Best wishes to you.

    Tell us more about your book!

  3. Maybe if you give me some more information

    I would be glad  to help

  4. Best thing to do is talk to your local gym, see if you can work out a deal with them in book sales, or atleast have colorful picture ads on the walls their. I know my Gym promotes different products every week. Everyone at a gym is trying to be fit and learn what a proper diet they should go on. So you should promote it at a gym, and develop your own website as well, so when people see the link on an AD at a gym or local paper they can go to the site to read a full description and get visual of the book

  5. Maybe you could put an ad in the newspaper?

    You could go to

    The last website is a few books on ideas to promote a book.

  6. naked women

    i'd buy anything from a hot girl

  7. make a myspace account

    it's free

    and just add everyone you find on a random browse

    bands, actresses, actors, movies, singers, etc all make myspaces since it's free and everyone and their dog has a myspace.

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