
Can anyone give me information on the Capacitor/Resistor relationship?

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  1. formula as follows


    1/C1 = 1/C2+1/C3

  2. Is this the movies?

    They are independent items, no relationship.

    Value of resistance is R

    Value of capacitance is C

    Now there are lots of formula that involve R and C.

    For example if you charge a C through a R, it charges with a time constant of t = RC

  3. Both are passive devices.

    A resistor resists the flow of electrons through it and is given a rating based on how much it will 'resist' current / electron flow in Ohms. A light bulb is a good example of how a resistor works. The filament is the resistor, as current passes through it, it 'resists' the current causing the filament / resistor to heat and thus glow in lay terms.

    A capacitor has several different flavors, but basically is two plates that are separated at a specific distance usually surrounded by electrolytic medium. As the current flows into the cathode plate it will reach a maximum before the flow of electrons is discharged into the anode.The amount of electrons a capacitor will store / charge before discharging is referred to in Farads.

    So a resistor resists the current / flow electrons and a capacitor stores and discharges the current / flow of electrons.

  4. The equation characterising a resistance R is v = i R (Ohm's law)

    The equation characterising a capacitance C is i = C dv/dt

    where v = instantaneous voltage, i = instantaneous current, t = time.

    This is all you need to know about the two components. Everything else can be deduced from these two equations, applying a bit of mathematics.

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