
Can anyone give me more infos on melting of ice caps due to global warming?

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Can anyone give me more infos on melting of ice caps due to global warming?




  1. Sure:


  2. Much is being posted recently about cold winters and poles rebuilding  the link below is very good and lets you compare 2 dates of your choosing I have pre set it to end of summer 1990 and 2007 it really shows the melt over that period and the increased red parts which are thiner ice. Obviously ice reforms each winter the problem is how thick it is, thinner ice will melt more quickly over summer revealing more of the longer term ice which also melts. Even if this winter is one of the coldest in 20 years what is happening won't show till the end of summer.

  3. Your question does not make sense. Only people at your local insane assylum believe in global warming. True the ice caps are melting on 2% of the ice cap area. But don't forget the other 98% is either increasing in size or remaining constant. The reduction in the Antartic is now almost universlly believed to be due to a long dormant volcano underneath now erupting.

    Global warming is a hoax invented by Al Gore sometime in the 1990's to jump start his bid for the US presidency. It is now used by several wacko who are just a step away from the nut house. It is also used by a few greedy corporations to promote overpriced products and to make a quick buck.

    All evidence says it is a hoax:

    1. The ice caps on both poles are not melting as claimed by the loons. ALL reputable scientists say only 2% of the ice is melting. The other ice caps are either increasing or staying the same

    2. The 2% in the Antartic is due to long thought to be dormant volcano underneath. This volcano erupted 2,000 years ago and just recently have scientists discovered it has eruped again.

    3. The weather in several parts of the world is actually cooling and not warming as commonly thought. Take California as an example.

    4. 1934 was the hottest year in recorded history. That year does not sit well with the global warmist loonies.

    5. The temperature over the last several decades has risen faster on Mars compared to Earth. Now the loons I guess are trying to say there must be Martians there doing a lot fossil fuel burning.

    6 It seems that what is forgotten is the econmic cost of fighting a non existant problem. A conservative estimate agreed upon buy all major economists is several trillion US dollars. The cost however is not all in money. It is known that if the loons have their way it will result in a minimum of several thousand premature deaths daily worldwide. Most of these deaths are children in undeveloped countries.

    7 Those who are not affected by 6 above will see their standard of living drop dramatically. The great depression of the 1930's will be considered happy dyas compared to the economy after we spend trillions a global warming hoax.

    8 Due to lack of funds and research being considered anti green. diseases which were wiped out or nearly so will become prevalent. so if 6 or 7 above don't affect there is a good chance some new rare disease.will

    The above is not meant to scare you. It is just facts which hopefully will wake us up to the dangers of this crual hoax.

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  4. Something to do when your bored.

  5. Here is the link to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. From there you can navigate and find the data you need.


    This shows the long term trends of both the Arctic and Antarctic Ice Caps.

    They're having a data problem right now, so don't rely on them for the last 2 weeks of data, but they have 30 years of archived data that shows a nice downward trend right up until....oh, this year!   Look at that....record cold temperatures and an almost average ice cap size (it's bigger in the South, smaller in the North, but isn't that because HEAT RISES???)

  7. National Geographic has a pretty interesting show about it if you have the NatGeo channel... I think it's on their Explorer Series.  I don't know if they are still showing it or not, but you might can get it from your local library.

  8. Some experts say their melting, others say their growing. Finding truth on this issue is like trying to reach in a haystack and pull out a needle. The wealth of information available on the topic is staggering. Both sides are convincing when they start talking science. The laymen must rely wholly on his own common-sense by looking at the issue in a different light. The people producing the data and their underlying motives. In all fields from religion to science data is constantly being manipulated by people with pre- concieved notions. Look at christianity for instance, how many denomonations are there? Each is a result of men manipulating the data by his or her own interpretation of scripture. Science is no different. If there is human-beings involved, there will always be bias, no matter what.

  9. Yes, they melt a little almost every summer and then grow again during the winter.  Overall their size varies naturally.

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