
Can anyone give me proof that Obama ISN'T a racist?

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Another question here provoked me to ask this, and I am asking this because there are quite a few people who claim all white people voting for McCain are racist. But it seems to me that the comments Obama made during a visit here to white, middle class America, some comments his wife has made, and just the fact that he does nothing to stop his followers from playing the race card, makes me believe that he holds racist views.





  1. Give me proof that he IS.

  2. He picked a white guy for his vice president.  That isn't something a racist would do.

  3. Prove to me that you're not an idiot. Unfair? You say I should have to prove that you are an idiot? You are right. I'm sorry.

  4. yes sure i can give you proof~

  5. Ok, let's put the race thing aside!  He's half white and half black, he was raised middle class white - he struggled with being black white his entire life.  Regardless of the race ticket he selects, it's up to us, as americans to end the dang race ticket all together.  Racism is a thing of the past, Obama as the dem ticket shows this.  Can't we get over the whole thing? Its us who makes racism an issue.  We continue to bring it up - let it slide.  

  6. uh, he stayed at a holiday inn express once.

    oh, never mind, he asked specifically for a white maid.

  7. NO!

    but i don't like any candidates i am  just being bias


  8. You missed the smooch he gave Biden's wife at the convention? lol

    A bit much IMO, but if he was racist I doubt he'd have chosen a white guy, be hugging on him and his wife...

    He's at least ok with white ladies...

    Really, not many racists would be kissing people they "hate."

  9. Your thoughts are yours, and only yours, and please do not take it personal, but I really do not give a sheet what you think.  "I" am a white 67 year old 100% disabled veteran that served while little georgie bush hid in the TANG, and I am voting for Obama.

  10. According to a New York Times poll, 98% of ALL blacks will vote for Obama simply because he's black.

    So -- what do we call THAT?

  11. Read Obama's books, particularly "Dreams," and then tell me he doesn't hold racist views.  Examine the theology of his "former" church and then tell me he doesn't hold racist views.  

    Mary Shaw has bitten on the old "You can't prove a negative" adage.

    Mary, I can PROVE that the earth isn't flat.  If that's not enough, I can PROVE that my dog isn't pregnant -- or at least that HE wasn't pregnant as of this morning.  :)

  12. really who cares. will he be a good leader? better than the beauty queen after mcsame dies from old man disease? and his Mom is WHITE so i do not think he is Racist.  

  13. I don't think there is anything to your argument, find another criticism, he picked a white running mate, so he is not a reverse racist either.

  14. He loved his white mother who die during his childhood, and he love his White grand mother who raise him.  so i can not question Obama on how he loved his mother side of the family, and i just think those was only comments he made a mistake with, don't be fooled right now the media are the ones who are playing the race card. matter of a face there the ones who started this whole race card in the first place, cause no one was thinking about race until the media bought it up

  15. That's about as ridiculous as all the Bible thumpers telling atheists they have to give them proof God doesn't exist.  

    The burden of proof falls on your shoulders, my dear.

  16. You hit the nail on the head.  Obama, himself, is the only one that brings forth the race issue.  Sad but true.

  17. A)where is the link for that question and B)why should anyone have to prove to you that Obama isn't a racist? Prove to me that he is. And he shouldn't have to hold his "followers" hands and tell them, "now now, don't defend the idiots on yahoo answers!" I believe people like you have NO idea what racism is. You live where I live, and then talk to me about "racism".  

  18. Oh get over yourself....hes black and white...why would you be racist against yourself?

  19. I've been a republican for my whole life... but I think he is suffering because of his dumbass wifes comments. She just needs to keep her mouth shut.

  20. Obama is a Racist White America Hater, and he spent 20 years in a so called Church, brushing up on that Racism. He hates White Americans, and he he will stop at nothing to get even. I don't think he likes blacks either, hes just using them. Look what he did to the people of Chicago. Obama and Tony Rezko put them out of their homes, and onto the cold wet streets, when the homes they built were condemned. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  21. that church he went to has several white members,

  22. He is half white, oh I forgot, he denounced his white half in college! How insulting to his mother!

  23. what were the comments and everyone who vote for Mccain is not racist...l only see repubs bringing that up

  24. Do you realize that those people who claim 'all white people voiting for McCain are racists' might be idiots?  Why should this prompt any other questions?

    What comments did Obama and his wife say that make you think they are racists?  Just because someone doesn't take the 'race card' bait and refute their negative campaigning does not mean they agree or hold racist views.

    Not responding to idiotic accusations shows dignity (which I suppose means that I lost some of mine, just answering your very question).

  25. Sorry, I can't...but have you ever heard of a thing called innocent until PROVEN guilty, before? You'll have to find an biggot republican to answer your question, and you shouldn't have any trouble, lots of em' here.

  26. Only idiots ask people to proof a negative.

  27. His presence in Wright's group proves that he is certainly a racist and anti-American.  His socialistic and global views prove that he is anti-American.  He is married to an anti-American.  No one can disprove these at all!  As you can see from the above answers no one wants to do much but name call and make you ought to be crazy.  Of course it is not something you can to do prove a negative statement!   Rephrase it next time.  

  28. i think you need to lay off of FOX for a little bit. they have a way of making people say exactly what you just said.

  29. He has a white mother and black wife. How can he be a racist.

  30. how to prove a negative -

    ex. prove to me there is no air in this room

    answer - i put you in that room.

  31. I'd make you read the dictionary.

    rac·ism  (rszm)


    1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

    Given that he is bi-racial, pretty tough for him to be racist.

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