
Can anyone give me simple tops on feng sui?

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My room has been the same way for about 7 months now, and the other day i tried changing it around, hoping for a change. I was wondering if anyone had any feng sui tips to help me re-arrange my room? *Bearing in mind that I am 15, and live with parents and very limited funds.*




  1. Here's a good site:

    You should be able to work out the various 'corners' of your room which are the most auspicious for relationships money etc. Most feng shui sites should be able to tell you how to do this - if a corner is missing for some reason - there are easy ways to correct this. Good tiops are having rounded rather than spiky plants, and have plenty of them to counteract negative chi from your computer. Have things arranged with regard to auspicious numbers and shapes - an octogan is especially well favoured. Don't have your bed under a beam.

    I have to say I thought it was all a load of twaddle, until I designed an office on these principles (complete with fish tanks, zen garden - the works) a few years ago. There certainly is something in it, and the scheme was pretty much a success - if you can get hold of a book from the library and read about the principles it will make understanding what it is all about a lot easier (anything by Lillian Too is quite readable) and as you don't have to spend much, if any, cash to achieve good results

  2. Bedheads should face South with your feet facing North. Mirrors should be opposite and reflect the window. Wardrobe should be opposite the door. Other stuff will naturally finds its correct position.

  3. I use some feng shui in my everyday life as I do believe it affects how we live our life day to day (maybe a placebo?).

    A few tips that I can give you are:

    Never place a mirror opposite a  door way  as having them there redirects all the luck/ prosperity straight out of it.

    I place crystals on my windows which allows good chi into the house.

    Having wind chimes up also bring more energy into its area.

    Do not have much clutter in your rooms/ house. As it creates stale energy. This is a good excuse to keep the house tidy.

    There are a few good websites out there

    I also use Lillians Too lil book of feng shui as this gives you basic information on what to alter in your house.

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