
Can anyone give me some addition/ <span title="subtraction/multiplication">subtraction/multiplicatio...</span> tricks to learn easy so i may teach my children??

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Can anyone give me some addition/ subtraction/multiplicatio... tricks to learn easy so i may teach my children??




  1. for the 9&#039;s multiplication facts, here is a neat trick.  Hold both hands up in front of you, all fingers extended.  For 9 x 1, put down the first finger on the left hand (pinky).  That leaves you with 0 fingers on the left side of the &quot;down finger&quot;, and 9 to the right:  9 x 1= 9.  Continue this way for all of the facts up to 10.  ex: for 9 x 2.  You would put down the left ring finger down, leaving the left pinky up (1) and eight others (8), so 9 x 2 = 18.

  2. I don&#039;t know of any addition or subtraction but for multiplication try on your hands for times 9 you can go 6*9 and use your hands to do that this is how: form left to right count over 6 fingers and put the sixth down and that will give you a answer of 54 with 5 on one hand and 4 on the other you just read it like normal this will only go (up to 9*9.)

  3. Concepts kids understand:


    - 0 x anything is zero

    - 1 x anything is itself

    - 2 is doubling (they catch on quick)

    - 3 double then add the number once more

    - 4 double twice

    - 5 easy pattern, they generally use fingers

    - 6 tricky, learn the fives and add itself

    - 7 generally memorized

    - 8 also tricky, generally memorized (7x8 is 56... 5-6-7-8 is the only one i know)

    - 9 the finger trick as described above or both numbers in the answer add to nine

    - 10 easy they will catch on very fast to the pattern

    For subtraction, try the book &quot;Cognitively Guided Instruction&quot; which explains the many ways kids approach the topic.  Subtraction is best &quot;explored.&quot;  Teaching stores sell unifix cubes, or you can use legos/other objects.  Give same questions and let the kids try on their own.  But in general, they start with solid objects, move to their fingers, and then go mental for subtraction.

    Sorry, it&#039;s hard to explain all this without getting too technical and writing a novel to you!

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