
Can anyone give me some advice on weight please?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in my late teens and my bmi is 16.4, I am 5'6 and weight about 7 stone and 3 or 5 pounds. I know I'm quite underweight and I've lost my periods because of it. I was wodnering a good way to put on some weight? I have a fast metabolism which I like so I don't want to binge and mess it up. My doctor says I've always been naturally slim but I think I should put on a bit of weight. I love to eat healthy so is there any way I could put on a bit with eating healthy? Also I eat a lot of wheat and gluten and dairy is that okay?




  1. I wouldn't do anything if I were you.  As you get older your metabolism slows down.  In 15 years from now, you'll be posting questions on this board on how to lose!!

  2. eating healthy food is a great thing ...

    just eat more of that food ... and increase the amounts u take every day ..

    and you need to reduce your exercising (if you are doing any) ...

    so u can get some weight !

    visit this blog .. and do the opposite !!

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