
Can anyone give me some advice please?

by  |  earlier

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ok im 15 and im nearly always depressed. i sit in my room all day everyday (and whenever i can i try get on school days), the reason i do this is because im obsessed, or "addicted", to online computer games, for the past 3 years i have spent most of my day playing these games and because of this i have lost all my friends on the street outside, now my only friends are those of which i made at school and they live quite a distance away (around 15mins on a bus).

i only go and see my 3 friends about once or twice a week, i intend to go out more but i guess i get sidetracked plyaing games or browseing the net,

i have quiet a good personality when im around other kids my age and i can get on well with others but im quite shy to people i just met.

so my question is : how can i focus on getting out more? how can i get rid of my obsession, and how can i be more open around other people so i can become friends?


p.s. sorry if this is too long and if some details are not necessary :S




  1. Jesus can heal you, you only have to repent your sin and confess Jesus as your Savior with all your heart... i talk about salvation not about religion, churches etc he can give to you new life and solve your problems

  2. What I find really helpful to have a relaxed stress and anxiety free day is to drink a good quantity of alcohol. Have a few good swigs in the morning, take a hip flask with you when you go out, or go to work, and then get stuck into the booze in the late afternoon. It really gives you a good nights sleep and when you wake up feeling a bit fuzzy the next morning a few good swigs will set you up for another good stress free day. I’m having a ball and doing really well with my studies at Uni and part time work.

  3. Invite friends over to your house. You guys will eventually get bored and start going outside or go out there and play a sport. That's a perfect way to keep you outside all day. Get a basketball and go to the local park and practice. You also have to be mentally strong, try not to go on the PC or limit your time on there.

  4. try going to the library to surf the web LOL.

    play video games at your friends house.

  5. this is hard but...quit cold turkey.  if you have to, have someone in your family (sibling?) put a password on the computer that they won't tell you, or if possible just to block those applications from being played.  tell them under no circumstances to let you on.

    if you even bargain for half an hour a day, trust me, it's that much harder.

  6. Stop playing games.Thats the first thing you do. Maybe try joining a team or club in school. U have to become more social and being on a team is a great way to interact with kids and gets u out the house..GL

  7. Realizing you have a problem is a big step in the right direction. Talk to your parents. Perhaps they can install software that allows you only an hour a day online.  

  8. wow i can really relate to how your feeling as well alot of people can. me, i have friends too but my problem is i get tired of people REALL fast... idk why i just get tired of hearing the same **** and blah blah blah...

    but i learned that you have to think about your life, and where the h**l you think it might be going.....

    do you really wana look back and realize you wasted all ur time alone?? just get out!! force yourself to do it... thats what i do sometimes...

    just ask yourself this question.... whats the worst that can happen if i go out with people?? what do you have to lose?

    well good luck and i hope someday you realize that life is wayy to short to be wasted sitting around all day... trust me. make the most of it.

  9. Maybe try to set rules for yourself. Like you can't touch the computer until a certain time like 7:00pm or you can only use the computer on certain days like saturday or something. Ask your parents to help you out.

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