
Can anyone give me some good tips for my driving test?

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i have got my test in a couple of weeks and i really want to pass first time, i'm a bit nervous about somebody sat watching me for 45 mins!




  1. Imagine the examiner is your Dad (or whoever took you driving).

    I ended up having a long conversation with my examiner +  I passed first time.

    Have a good breakfast (not fatty/fry up) and stay calm.

    Cram in practise, especially those manoeuvres!

  2. Honestly, the best thing is just to stay calm. Make sure you know the busiest areas on the test routes pretty well, and that when you drive round them you're doing them perfectly.

    Really, really don't get worked up. It's not the end of the world if you fail, and yeah, it's a lot of money and it's maybe a bit embarrassing, but you can do it again and in ten years time you won't bat an eyelid at not passing first time. I know that's not really positive thinking but it's best not to put the pressure on yourself.

    Good luck, I hope you do it!

  3. the best thing for u to do is to ask ur instructor to carry out a lesson under test conditions.  Get him to pretend that he or she is an instructor and that way u'll be more at ease.   take this guidance from a trainee driving instructor!!!!!!

  4. ok, you may not want to take advice from me as i passed 3rd time, but i never had any real lessons, and learnt alot from failing tests. the first time i completely screwed it up so i wont go into that, but the second time i failed purely on observation, so make sure that when you look in the mirror you actually move your head (i just glanced with my eyes), adjusting the mirror slightly will encourage you to do this (but do try it b4 the test to ensure the correct position-and you dont need to drive normally like this). also, remember observation in manoeuvres, i failed b4 i got out the car park the first time as i didnt look left on a reverse park because there was a wall (but i was sposed to imagine it was a supermarket). also, dont worry about failing, dont try and see what the examiner marks (if u see bad marks it can knock your confidence which will make you worse), watch out for speed limits, hopefully you will have done alot of driving in the area, but you are almost guaranteed a 20mph zone, so look out for it in built up areas. if you do make a mistake, dont worry, just carry on, chances are it was a minor (you need 15 to fail), i reversed round a corner and ended up on the pavement and got a minor, also ppl have rolled back on a hill start and only got a minor, so even if you think youve done something really bad keep it together as it may be ok (obvs those things could be a major (instant fail), but it depends on the rest of the test, if ure generally poor throughout then it could be the reason the examiner needs to fail you). try and do some driving before the test. also, it'll be over really quick, its only 38mins, and the first few are messing around under the bonnet. oh, and if you dont drive yourself there (i recommend you do though as you will then know the junction and the car park), then make sure the seat/mirrors are correctly adjusted for you. dont be afraid you wont know where to go, the instructions are always clear, and if you dont understand ask, also, adjust your side mirrors if u need to to do reverse round corner, even if it means leaning over the examiner, but dont forget to put them back.

    hope this helps and good luck, dont worry you'l be fine, and failing really isnt the end of the world

  5. God, that is a real bugger.

    Just think of it as a lesson and do everything your instructor would expect of you.

    this is a good tip, believe me, i know, i took 5 tests......

    If you KNOW you just made a mistake, tell the examiner,

    he wants to know ,that YOU know.

    so, say,

    'i should have signalled then', or ,

    'i should have ........ then.' He will allow for nerves, and as long as he KNOWS that you KNOW  that you have made a mistake, he will give you points.

    Unfortunately i was taking my 5th test before someone gave me this advise.

    Good luck

  6. get chatty with the examiner. just relax and drive as you drive with your instructor. time will go quick, you wont realise 45mins has gone. good luck!  

  7. 45 minutes?! Holy c**p, that's a long time.

    Over here, (LA) it's around 15.

    Anyway, just stay calm and don't forget the **** you learned brah.

  8. Don't crash the car.

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