
Can anyone give me some information on how much Investment Bankers make anually?

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Can anyone give me some information on how much Investment Bankers make anually?




  1. First year analyst:  $65 K base

    First year associate: $95 K base

    Bonus can vary, say 75%-150% of base.

  2. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

    Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents were:

    Other financial investment activities $103,640

    Security and commodity contracts intermediation and brokerage 81,050

    Activities related to credit intermediation 67,080

    Other nondepository credit intermediation 53,750

    Nondepository credit intermediation 52,100

    For more info, go to:

  3. well, the size of the firm, function, group, and experience make this range absolutely meaningless.  a 1st year analyst in a bad division might make 55k and not get a bonus.  a managing director of the most profitable unit in a bull market will pull more than 10m without breaking a sweat, and have been known to make 10x that if they have strong contacts.

    also, there's a big difference between front office (fo), middle office (mo) back office (bo).  Yes, back office is abbreviated B.O - because it really, really stinks.  Front office is what you probably tend to think about when you say "investment banking".  a first year analyst working in a bulge bracket this year will probably be making  around 60k base, and can expect a bonus of 100-150% of base (so up to say 150k total).  this, of course, is absolute rubbish compared to what they'd be pulling in a good economy - sometimes as high as 300-400k barely out of undergrad at the high end.

    mind you, these jobs are extremely difficult to land, and you'll be working 14-hour long days on the weekend, but the payoff is worth it.

  4. what? is a little off target and steve was of no are the real facts...

    First year Analyst at a bulge bracket firm (JPM, MS, UBS, GS, MER LEH, etc): 60-65k base plus 25-40k bonus (almost laid in stone they will make 90-100k total)

    First year Analyst at a specialized/niche firm will make about 50k base with 20-30k bonues.

    Beyond 1st year, it then depends on your unit, how much business taken in, etc. I know a 2nd year banker at MS who is making about 100k base with an expected 60k bonus. But another person I know at Goldman in 2nd year is making 140k base and expected 80k bonus. So it depends on the firm.

    The target total compensation typical goes from 100k to 150k to 200k for your first 3 years. After that, it is anyone's guess.

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