
Can anyone give me some informations about your experience of studying aborad?

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Such as your studies,your life there,the food,the comunications,and the apartment ,the host families...




  1. I did an NVQ (Business Administration) in Finland and stayed with a host family for 4 months. I completed my studies in England. I had my own room in their house and joined them for meals or I could help myself. It was great. Helsinki is amazing and I was lucky to be with the best family. (The mother was in charge of coordinating the program) lololol xxxxx

  2. I went to the North of Spain for a year in 2005.

    It was a year like no other. There was no host family but the people I lived with came to be a form of deranged family. ( I lived with 53 spanish ppl).

    The studies were chaotic, the class schedule was disorganised and completely irrelevant but hey made finding classes fun.

    Basically it was a year where you meet so many interesting people, eat so many interesting foods, do so many interesting/unusual things.

    The experience will vary depending on where you are going. But Chances are, you will have an exquisite time.

  3. ecuador i loved it my host family was great, the food was alrite but i was so sick of it after 3 months besides that there was so many things i cant begin to write them all down. communication was hard tho

  4. I spent 6 months studying in China at the college level. I lived in dorms with a mixture of Chinese students and students who were also studying abroad. I had class all morning, and the afternoons free. We traveled a lot, both as a class and on our own. I learned soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Chinese, ate so much fantastic food that I had to buy new pants, and had an awesome time.

    It was very different than my college in the US-- my classroom didn't have heat and most of the Chinese dorms didn't have hot water, so everyone came and showered at our dorm.

    Classes were easier than my regular uni, but I had to use the material ALL THE TIME, because it was the only way to be understood.

    I'd do it again in a heart beat and highly recommend it.

    I used the CIEE programs, and they had a lot of really good in-country support and info before I left.

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