
Can anyone give me some safe travel tips for mexico?

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Im going to mexico with my partner for the first time and im nervous as heck. when i was younger my parents use to take my sisters and i to mexico almost every year and i as we grew older its somewhat stopped. the last time i went was with my parents and since we had to go the boonies to visit their family we constantly had to be cautious of our surrounds. everytime we would go their was always someone following us to try to rob us or men threatening to hurt us so i grew accoustom to desguising myself as a male when traveling by car to mex. until we arrived at our destination. my problem is that everytime i went to mexico it was with my family and i felt safe and now since im going with my partner im scared. i have to admit i went through a pt. where i was almost robbed so for the past years im paranoid of getting robbed. i told my partner of my concerns and he reassures me that everything will be okay and that we are not going to a third world country. i know that im overpacking with




  1. Mexico is truly a tragedy. The land is supposed to have rich quantities of oil, copper, silver and gold. It has a wonderful colorful history. It's access to both Pacific and Atlantic seas offer easy access to trade. However because of the corruption of the government and police, Mexico and it's people suffer very much. As a tourist, this makes the experience tense and can be somewhat risky, however with some tips, a trip to mexico can be very rewarding and relaxing.

    - First of all BRING YOUR PASSPORT. Also, scan your passport and driver's license and email them to yourself so that if the passport is lost, you can access  them online.  

    - Don't mess with Border Patrol and INS. Things are tense right now due to border issues. Just bring your identification and be polite.

    - Travel in groups. Especially in Tijuana and Loreto, I would never go alone, even in a group of two or three girls- please make it at least four. There is strength in numbers.

    - IF you can, bring someone you know who is involved with US military, police officer or firefighter along with their identification and badge. Not only will getting through the border be easier, but if some crooked cop comes up to hassle you, just flash their id or badge- trust me, they are at least smart enough to know to NOT mess with someone from those fields and will back off. While traveling in mexico with family, if someone came to hassle my cousins and I all my dad and uncle had to do was flash their badges and boy did they high tail it out of there.

    - Keep your passport money ids in a money belt inside your clothing. A f***y pack screams" tourist!!!"

    - Dress down. Women especially need to focus on dressing conservative- pants and long skirts or at least knee length and good walking shows. Also, leave the jewels at home. AND I mean at home. I have had friends leave precious things at the hotel safe only to have them gone when they go to retrieve them.

    - BE AWARE. Sometimes pickpockets work in teams or children will horde you asking for money to distract you. Just be aware of who is around you.

    - Speak Spanish. Okay, we don't want you to know the whole language but some basic words wouldn't hurt.

    Yo quiero = I want . . .

    Yo necesito= I need

    Donde es . . . = Where is . . .

    Ayudarme != Help me!

    Por favore= please.

    Gracias= thank you

    Cuanto cuesta= how much . . .

    Also get to know directional terms so that if someone tells you where to go you know how to get there.

    - If any questions ask your hotel for suggestions on restaurants, taxis or places to visit.

    - Beware of the donkey show. A story exists that in Tijuana, a girl performs intercourse with a donkey during a show and many taxi drivers may offer to take you there. DON'T GO. Although some say the show exists, many taxi drivers take these people to dark alleys claiming to be lost and then rob the passengers.

    Did I scare You ? I didn't mean to be. You just have to be smart. Mexico is a wonderful place with enchantment and charm and you will learn to enjoy yourself.

  2. sorry to tell you but there are travel warnings to Mexico - right now - Be careful - Mexico is at war with itself don't get caught in the crossfire.

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