
Can anyone give me some tips for Rome?

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I`ll spend a week holiday there.




  1. Use the metro to get about, really easy.....

  2. I'll refrain form stating the obvious. I'll leave that to the thickies! I reckon you'll get about 15 of 'em.

    Hmmm. A bit slow some of them. Maybe you should phrase the question like this.

    "What should I do in Rome?" You're sure to get what you want then.

    Oh for f**ks sake. DO AS THE ROMANS DO!!!

  3. Rome is a wonderful place with lots to see. Highly recommended is the vatican city. I went to rome last october and did the tour of the Vatican city on my birthday. To appreciate it fully you do need to pay the entrance fee and walk to the top of the Basillica. Wonderful view from the very top. To get about dont use the metro, the buses are much easier. The reception desk of your hotel will be able to tell you which bus you need to get to certain places.

    Food wise there is lots to choose from but restaurants soon get full after 7 in the evening, so its advised to go out early or book a table.

    Beware of pickpockets as they opperate all the time, everywhere. The ice cream over there is to die for with so many flavours to choose from.

    Enjoy yourself!!

  4. Avoid Offal. They eat it loads

  5. #1, watchout for pick-pockets, they're everywhere, and really good.

    #2, be careful crossing any streets, they're like suicidal, they don't watch for peds.

    #3, there will be a lot of beggars, wanting your $$ they'll even drug their babies to get the money, so, just an fyi

    #4, Take your time to look at things, I was there a little less than 2 full days, the whole thing is a blur, theres just so much to see, enjoy it

    #5, make sure you have Euros, it took me almost an hour to exchange my American dollars into Euros, and that costed too much of my time

    #6, Oh, if you go to the Coliseum, people will volunteer to take your picture, but it'll be with Your camera, and they'll charge you  like $5

    Well, that's what i remember, so, good luck, and have fun.  If I ever get rich, I want to move there and never come back!

  6. just go walking because whole of city centre is an experience

    via venneto for shopping

  7. i recommend hotels along the via della conciliazione ( - right by te VAtican and close to the metro - very central. also right by the Borgo Pio which has great shops, bakeries, tratorria's etc.

    the pope usually has a general audience on wednesday's - free but you need a ticket.

    vatican museum 12 euro's and another 3 at the coffee shop on the corner while you're waiting in line and take turns to run and get cofee LOL

    postcards are between 1 or 2 for 1euro

    when you go into churches you will have books for purchase -some of them are worth it and very interesting - about 5 euro - they will also have lighting for the main artwork - this ranges between the half and 1 euro - hand on to your coins as you can't usually get change!

    colossuem was 10 euro (and watch out for the crooks in front in roman garb who pose for pictures with you -- i got rooked when i had nothing smaller than a 20 and he said 5 euro's each! they are NOT part of the facililty!!!)

    castle san angelo 6 euro and make sure you know the history - made it more worth while

    roasted chestnuts in Piazza Navonna - 3 euor's and a must!

    pizza (lunch) 7-10 euro's

    dinner 30 euro's should work - sometimes more sometimes less.

    2-5 euros - gelato

    1.10 euro - candy bar

    go to and they had a SUPER map that was our saving grace! i still have it as i mapped out various walking tours. it has the metro and city all mapped out and detailed.

    you have to get up to the Gianicolo & San Pietro on the Janniculum Hill and there is a church atop the mt. where they say St Peter was crucified -- it's a spot most people DO not visit as it's not the "famous" one -- it was darling na dreally something to see!

    the other book i recommend = knopf mapguides - it's just perfect in size and has most of the informaion for the basics.

    one thing i did that might sound silly.... i had a small journal with me everywhere and took notes - sometimes simple ones but.... with 6 days it can get a little overwhelming and you don't want to missout on remembering just what that picture was! for example - to the left of the street coming up to the vatican is a little know church called Santo Spirito - it was built in the 1200's Michelangelo did the ceiling - it was a hospital at one point during one of the many sieges/battles and returned to a church! the ceiling was beautiful!

    Ooh dress in layers and take a scarf or hat!!! a strurdy wind proof jacket would work best!

    ooh and most places close int he afternoon about 4p then the restuarants open at 7-8pm. i took snacks and a fruit and nut type trail mix & diet pepsi becuase they don't have diet anything! i'm glad too beucase i shopped, boy did i shop!

    the Spanish steps are quite the "hang out" with the little coffee shops and such. not sure if you're into the church visiting and that type of sighseeing but if so -- well i won't go into it now  ; )

  8. Rome is an astonishing place, history on every street corner, don't miss the Coliseum, or the Forum, but most of all the Pantheon, doesn't look much from the outside, but inside it is awe inspiring.

  9. Don't use the metro, use your feet and walk - it's not very large. It also means that you can really look around you. Ensure that make plenty of time to stop off for coffee and drinks. You also need to make a bee line for the ice creams. Go to Rome in March or early April, or later in the year. Go and see a music concert there - Simon and Garfunkel were amazing.

  10. I was in Rome in March & I can't believe some of the bad advice on here.  I saw no evidence of street crime or beggars, and I felt very safe there.

    The main sites in Rome are quite close to each other you can get through quite a lot in one day walking from site to site.  I found it to be well signposted and easy to get around.  Also on foot you can see loads of other interesteing things.

    Don't miss Trevi fountain, we visited 3 times in 2 days, it's beautiful, with a fabulous Gelateria right beside it.

    I didn't pay into any church while I was there, and I visited a lot of churches.

    I loved Piazza del Popolo, with it's twin churches, and Piazza Navona was always so alive.

    The Pantheon is breathtaking, and the climb to the top of Castel St Angelo is totally worthwhile, although I found it a little creepy going up a tomb in the dark!!!

    We also used the metro to get around, it's cheap & easy to use.  The coliseum & the forum are right on the metro line, so I would use the metro to visit them.

    The attractions were not as expensive as I thought, accurate entrance fees are widely available online.  Just make sure you budget for them.

    The Vatican museums, have huge queues early in the morning, leave it for a couple of hours, go see St Peter's first, you should then be able to walk straight to the doors with no queues.

    I'm sure I'll think of more tips but that's it for now.

  11. Use the train system to save some walking.

  12. Get a guide book with a map in it, you can easily get lost in Rome even though its quite a small city!

    Watch your bag and keep it zipped up...not that I experienced any problems just what I've been advised

    Watch out for the cost of soft drinks....your meal price may be reasonable but they will up the price on the drinks!

    The Trevi Fountain is jam packed so don't go their if you don't like crowds!

    The last sunday of the month is free if you are visiting the will be queue queue queue, go on a paying day!

    Take a camera, SO many pictures to be taken!

    Buy your water bottles from the small supermarkets and fill them up from the fountains...they charge loads from the stalls around the tourist attractions

    Get very comfy shoes..its all walk walk walk

    The metro is ok to use but there are only two lines and it doesn't take you very far. We stayed outside of Rome so already had our ticket for it, other than that get a ticket for the buses! The small ones that go around the historic centre are very fun and cute!

  13. All the places of interest charge heavily for entrance. Even the churches charge for admission, so prioritise if you are on a tight budget. Visit the Vatican and the Coliseum. Stroll along the Tiber outside the Vatican. Eat the ice-cream. Take the metro, not the buses. Fountains are good for drinking from. I personally found the Spanish Steps quite a tourist trap.

  14. yes...dont go

  15. Most people have given you plenty of advice ,all i would say is that if you are really interested in roman history,you will find the trip fantastic you will need most of your 5 days,i was there for 3 and it just wasnt enough,i also went to every church in Rome and was never charged,including st peters basillica,absolutely overwhelming,but made more so my an american guide whos name i have forgotten but he advertised himself at the beginning of a very long que along with his girlfriend,he not only took us straight to the front of the que but gave us 45 min tour of st peters and all the history of the vatican,and didnt charge a penny,and wouldnt take a tip.anyway i am making arrangements to go back shortly,one of the best trips of my life.

  16. Have fun! Spend some time people watching in some of the piazzas. Trevi Fountain is always crowded. Spend a little time sitting on the Spanish Steps.

    The afternoon of Pope John Paul II's death, we spent hours sitting in the plaza at St. Peter's. It became apparent that many people who lived nearby considered the plaza as just a normal part of their daily routine. It was amazing to see them going about their daily lives among all the tourists gathered in the square.

    I enjoyed the Forum much more than the Colisseum. Rome is a wonderful city and I can't wait to go back.

  17. Please don't use the Metro you will miss out on so much. You really can see everything on foot! Don't forget to check out the spanish steps and the view from the top, across all the roof tops of Rome.

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