
Can anyone give me some tips for breeding mice?

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And how long is it until the babies reach sexual maturity?




  1. 4 months

  2. as long as you have a couple you will be over run in mice in no time at all

  3. Mice are a bit difficult to breed, mostly because they are disgusting little creatures.

    They smell, I mean REALLY smell.  Try putting a few drops of real vanilla extract into their water which should help with the smell of their awful pee.

    Also, mice like to cannibalize each other and their babies, so watch out for that.

    Unless you are breeding them for food (feeders), you also have no reason to bring more of these animals into the world.

  4. you will have to be a very responsible person to breed mice, but i take it that you are.

    you would want to find a female and male mouse who both have good temperaments and have been tamed well.

    avoid breeding with feeder mice because they are inbred and tend to have very short lives.

    a mouse is in gestation for 3 weeks, so if over that time she starts to resemble a pear, you know that she is pregnant.

    separate the male from the female before she gives birth. otherwise if you take the male out after, they can easily mate again and give you a second litter.

    dont touch the babies, i know it's very tempting but you have to resist. don't disturb the sleeping area for 10 days and try keeping the place quiet.

    good luck and have fun with your baby mice! =D

    to answer your second question, mice are one of the most sexually active creatures on earth, so they would be able to reproduce as young as 4 weeks old. that is when you need to separate males from females.

  5. Keep them in pairs,the males tend to fight..

    It`s pretty easy.

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