
Can anyone give me some tips on handling/caring for a NEWLY hatched corn snake?

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My first corn snake was nearly six months old when I got him: already well handled and used to eating pre-killed pinkies. I didn't really have to do much for him.

I have been on a waiting list for a Blizzard corn snake and I was just told that they will be available a week or two after hatching (which will be in about three weeks). I was hoping someone could give me some tips on handling a hatchling and how to gently teach it that being handled isn't a bad thing. I'll also need some tips on feeding (not sure if a newly hatched baby will readily eat and internet searches on the subject are sketchy at best). Any info or education websites will be greatly appreciated!




  1. pre-chew some mouse meat, they feed it with your mouth! Then teach it to defend itself by throwing it onto the ground multiple times until is learns to bite!

    Also, instead of hatching the snake egg, why don't you crack it open and make yourself a nice omelet?

    ^--------- JK about all that stuff!! I dont really know much bout snakes!

  2. If you are dealing with a reputable breeder your hatchling should have already had at least one or two feedings before you acquire him. Give him some time to settlle in to his new environment and feed at least once for you before you start handling him. I like to use any opaque container, like a small brown paper bag for feeding. You may have better luck feeding in the evening. They hunt by scent so if you are defrosting with warm water leave the pinkie in a bag so that some mouse scent stays on it.   After that, one or two short handling sessions daily (except on feeding days) should acclimate him to handling. Try to approach him more from the side rather then swooping in from above with your hand, which looks like a predator to him!

    This is corn snake guru, Kathy Love's article on bringing a new baby home.

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