
Can anyone give me some tips on how to fight?

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i need some tips with punching kicking kneeing anything that will win the fight. i have gotten in 4 fights so far and all of them have been in the past month. i only got my *** kicked once and i think the reason was because this guy new all the weird moves. like its hard too explain just hit me up.





  1. First you say 'please don't kill me', then you run for your life.  If then your assailant catches you, kick him in the balls, gouge his eyes, run, then call a lawyer.

  2. DON'T!!!

  3. listen first you have to show the person you are fighting that you are tough even if you are not because that will work in scaring him off without a fight and if that didn't work then a punch in the nose while he is talking will do the job

  4. ok if you can run. if not grab him by the head and throw knees and elbows. but as i said before run and if you can find a good HAP KI DO school that works on ground fighting and stand up fighting

  5. just dont do what you did in you lost.

  6. First off, Act Tough

    thats very important, scare your opponent, show him your not scared of him, don't show your feelings

    Next, Get a poker face on

    don't show that he's getting to you.  Show no emotion, whether thats fear, anger, or excitement.  Be cool to thepoint of not feeling anything

    Third, Calm Down

    breath before dont hyperventalate or else your not even gonna start the fight.  Although be carful you don't want to be to calm or you lose your adrenaline.  Losing that you could lose all your power

    Fourth, Wait for him to make the first move

    that way you can measure up your opponent

    Fifth, make Sure you know how to fight because if not then my best advice then

    Here's some things you can practice on a heavy bag

    -jab, cross, hook, uppercut

    those are the four main punches in boxing, to see them look up on google or youtube

    -bolo punch and haymaker

    not recommended but if its a street fight then its ok

    -learn the points of pain

    look up Bladder, Conception,Gall, Bladder, Governor, Heart, Kidney, Large Intestine, Liver, Lung, Pericardium, Small intestine, Spleen, Stomach, Triple Warmer and others

    -kicks, roundhouse, and side are good

    Take a class if needed

    Use this for self defense only!!!!!!!

  7. a qualified instructor can give you tips on fighting.

    not a bunch of 14 and 15 year olds on the internet. you will get some descent answers here, but you will also get alot of immature..ego driven nonsense that will get you in trouble, or beat up...or worse.

    dont ever agree to a fight. ever. unless its a sport.

    rarely does "acting tough" solve anything. don't act scared either. just be calm so you can see, think, feel, and act. thats the most important thing.

    martial arts isnt about having a big ego...nor is it about beating people up.

    the most serious question you should be asking is...why on earth am i getting into so many fights? and how can i stop it? can i kick these guy's arses.

    keep your hands up all the time (ALL the time). and never leave your punch extended...snap it out...and snap it back to your chin/shoulder twice as fast as you snapped it out.

    move your head always...a moving target is harder to hit. it can also help set up angles for your next shot. also move your body...never just stand there.

    knees...well to be honest its hard to mess up a knee. just know when to do it and when not to.

    for untrained people...basically ignore kicking. its much safer to keep your feet under  you where they belong.

    be explosive, not gentle. be patient until you get the upper hand...and basically explode everything you got until he's down. then back away and leave.

    of course...if it is...and it sounds like it will happen again. and you're not agreeing to it, or starting don't have to wait for them to swing first.

    it's still self defense if you perceive a threat to your body or life.

    just don't take it too far and hurt someone seriously.

  8. Well since you sound desperate, I guess I can teach you some things. First step, you gotta keep your arms up to block his attacks. Second step, you have to look at his eyes at all times.Why? Cause by looking at his eyes you see his entire body move and will allow you to tell which move he will use. Third step, if you are on offense you have to mix up your attacks cause if you dont your opponent will know which move you will use next. Fourth step, always go for openings when you see them. Fifth step, when kicking, kick his own legs it'll weaken his legs and make it harder for him to stand. Sixth step, when your close enough use the clinch. A clinch is like a net to capture your opponent. You simple place both of your hands behind his neck and since you got him close to you and you have in a clinch, you can barage him with as many knees as you can get him with. One tip about knees you dont just raise your knee, you have to thrust it into his stomach it'll hurt and penetrate more. Now for de resistance, the elbow is a fighters most dangerous weapon. The elbow is the hardest bone in the entire body and is pretty sharp so with enough power and speed it'll leave a pretty nasty cut. Trust me, I'm a Thai Boxer, I know what I'm saying. Well hope that helped you and one more thing, if you do happen to get close enough to elbow him, elbow his forehead or the top of the head trust me, it hurts like heck.

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