
Can anyone give me some tips or pointers on turning?

by  |  earlier

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i have been taking driver lessons and have been improving every lesson. Everything is good except for my right turning. at first it was too wide and my first instructor told me to take it in, now that i take it in my 2nd instructor tells me its too in and im too close to the curb. this is the only thing bothering me and i don't know why it's such an issue for me. can anyone give me some advice but i only have 3 more lessons left before i take my final!




  1. Practice makes perfect, get lots of road miles; thats the best thing by far. Drivers tend to be very different(as I'm sure you've noticed) listen to everyone but find your own best way (within the law) OH Yeah... and get more practice. You'll be fine..we are!

  2. Take some lessons privately with a friend or family member and practice. Practice on wide roads and narrow roads. Practice coming from wide onto narrow and from narrow onto wide. Roads can vary in width and if there are parked cars. With experience you will get it right.

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