
Can anyone give me tips for getting started skimboarding?

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Well mainly I need help picking a board. I really don't care how much money I spend on the thing beceause I want to learn on the same one I start doing advanced tricks on if possible.

Well, I want to know if that's possible.

I also want to know if it's ok to learn on stagnant water. I have a causeway near my house that I'm gunna try to learn on, then take it to the beach where theirs waves when I get good enough to actually care to make that kind of trip.




  1. if money isnt a concern then get a zap or victoria carbon fiber board that is in the right size range for your weight.  stagnant water is ok to try and learn in as long as its shallow enough but a long flat beach is really the best place to learn.  just know you will get banged up learning to skim.  the best advice i can give to a first timer is make sure that you actually jump onto the board with both your feet landing at the same time.  if you try and step onto the board one foot at a time then i hope you can do a split, because your gonna do one whether or not you can or want to.

  2. go to a surf shop or like ron jons or summthing. buy a crappy wodden board an dlearn the basics of balancing and just moving. That will prob olny cost $25-40. Then if you r getting better and think tht ur gonna stick to skimboarding get a Zap bat board and learn like basic spins like 360s and stuff and small shuvits. Once you've mastered those, get a zap pro board which is pretty expensive but totally worth it and learn wave tricks...hope i helped!!

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