
Can anyone give me tips on how to make me go fast in the stroke, Breastroke??

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I can already swim breast sroke, but im to slow at it!! Thats the one stroke Im slow at.




  1. Alot of people that I see doing breast stroke tend to pull themselves really far out of the water.  If you do that then you're putting alot of your energy into getting out of the water instead of going fowards.  Try and stay as close to the water as possible.  

    When you are pulling with your arms remember not to pull all the way down to your waist but instead just underneath your shoulders.  If you get a good strong pull then that will increase your speed as well.  After you breathe use your hands to "dive" back into the water.

    With your kick just make sure to really whip your legs together.  Keep your feet flexed.  You should only be pointing your toes while you are gliding.  

    A big part is the glide as well.  People think that it slows them down but having a good long glide will definately help your stroke.

    Another thing is your underwater pull.  After you push off the wall you'll want to be in a stream line position (hands straight above your head and legs together), first you'll just do a breast stroke pull with your arms.  Remember to glide for as long as you can and then do a full breast stroke underwater and glide then come up for your first breath.  It sounds silly but you go faster while you are underwater so that small chunk that you're doing your underwater pull you can gain a lot of speed.  I actually won really close races just because I have a really good underwater pull.

    I hope all this helps and good luck.  Remember practice!!! ^^

  2. im a great breastroker (not to brag) and here are a few times. Make sure every stroke you squeeze your legs together. Keep your head and your eyes down when you breath and when ur in the water. Shrug your shoulders, get them up high, but try to keep your back straight. Point your toes when you kick, and try not to have a huge wide kick. Also keep your arms close together, and have high elbows.

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