
Can anyone give me websites on starting my own daycare in texas?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for any info that anyone has on starting my own daycare in Texas. There is such a need here where i live for more daycares, and because i have children, i know how hard it is to get them registred for daycare. So i really need help getting it started if anyone has any info please let me know. I am very serious about this so please don't give me the run around or send me an answer just to get points. This help will be greatly apperciated and i thank you in advance.




  1. Check this web site for Texas Professional Home Child Care Association. YOu can contact any of the board members. THey will be willing to help you in any way they can. There is not a region rep for TPHCCA in your area, but there are folks in the association who can help you.

    Email me via the yahoo member list and I will be happy to help you as well.

    I have been in child care in Texas for 20+ years, so I've been there done that!!

  2. WOW! Have you asked a good question on a good day. This is my first day on Yahoo Answers. I am in child care in Texas and I can help you!!!

    Where in Texas are you looking to open a child care? Do you plan to open a home child care? If so, I will be more than happy to help you.

    Here is the Texas Department of Family and Protective services web site. This link will get you to the basic information you will need. However, to help you jump through all the hoops, just let me know. I will connect you with a person in your area who will work with you and help you as you move into this important vocation.

    We want to help anyone who is ready to help train the children who are our future.

    Victoria D.


    Explore this site and you will find answers to your questions. If you will get back with me, I will help you get in touch with a real-live person who can help make this much easier.

  3. This is what you need. Go to the site below and check out the link for starting a daycare center.

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