
Can anyone guide me to manufacture (instant) dog food? I would like to start a small manufacturing unit.?

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Can anyone guide me to manufacture (instant) dog food? I would like to start a small manufacturing unit.?




  1. gather the main ingredients ,blend them with milk till its a doe Constancy , make little balls or what shape you like and bake it on 300degrees . if its to hard cook it for less time , if its still raw in the middle use a lower temp.

  2. a dog bone or pig ear

  3. A potential Business, with little investment and ready market, particularly for small scale manufacturers. What all you need is a mixing mill /  blender. and a dryer. Apart from other packing materials.

    The basic ingredients are animal meat cakes, vitamins, milk powder, salt and little preservatives.

    What all you have to it, mix the ingredients proportionately, mix at blender, dry it by heat process, and obtain the shape you desire, even biscuits. Take extra care, about packing, which should be done air tight. Make sure you mention, all ingredient are mentioned on outside box. And a Red dot, within a square, indicating, the product has a non vegetarian content, which is mandatory.

    The machines are available at all major cities, and the raw materials also. I, suggest you to look other brands to check the ingredients it contain, and its percentage, printed on outer box. Good luck to your new venture.

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